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时间:2021-01-16 21:51来源:毕业论文




Abstract Shantou port Guang'ao port area is located in Shantou City Haojiang district at the southern tip of the Guang'ao Bay, East pillow Maltese headland, hope Bay is received on the west, north by Shantou City, south facing the South China Sea, geographical location and the depth of the water condition is superior, harbor sediment slightly siltation, relatively stable geological structure, away from the city center of moderate distance is Guangdong only natural deep-water harbor, has more than 30 million ton wharf construction excellent water conditions. But port located in the open sea, wave conditions complex, to a certain extent affected the ship out of Hong Kong and by unberthing operation safety, so it is necessary to build breakwater. So this design according to Shantou Port hydrogeological conditions and development needs were designed caisson vertical and slope two breakwater, and comprehensive consideration of both the advantages and disadvantages of choosing the optimum plan.

This design according to the hydrological and geological data in the areas where the construction projects, combined with the purpose of engineering construction and the subsequent development of, to determine the general layout plan, section type and section size, according to the wave, building materials and the properties of soil, sloping breakwater parapet, upright caissons of anti dumping, anti sliding stability calculation and bedding anti slide stability checking. The whole stability of the foundation and the settlement of foundation soil are calculated. The caisson breakwater is also calculated freeboard calculation and floating stability. Also on the breakwater foundation and foundation bearing capacity checking.

Keywords: Shantou port; breakwater; slope; caisson upright; layout; structure design; overall stability; settlement of foundation 

目  录

第一章  绪论 1

1.1 工程概述 1

1.1.1 汕头广澳港区简介 1

1.1.2 主要研究内容 1

1.1.3 需要完成的工作 1

1.2 设计资料 2

1.2.1 自然条件 2

1.2.2 设计要素 3

第二章  平面布置 5

2.1 布置原则 汕头港防波堤方案设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_68457.html
