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时间:2018-03-17 16:50来源:毕业论文

 Architectural design specification of Comprehensive Office Building
Abstract:In the information society, with the increasing change of information and interpersonal relationship in modern economic society, the office building is required to centralize the area of as much as possible. With the rapid development of China's high-rise office building, making the construction of high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings became possible. The emergence of high-rise buildings , which not only change the architectural layout of the city, but also play a huge role in promoting for local economic development. A high-rise building, is not only a manifestation of the economic strength in the city, and often become a city landmark. Now the main trends in the development of building is Comprehensive , flexible and intelligent ; while the crowd is very concentrated in the old office building, which cannot solve the problem of traffic , dining, shopping , rest , housing , etc. In order to overcome this problem, the emergence of an integrated building, which sum up the office building, restaurant, apartments and leisure, to facilitate the lives of office workers; The space designs more flexible, which multi-use large space layout of the form, adapt to a variety of office types; The intelligent building improve perfect office building more efficiency, which become a new type of building design system.
KeyWords:Comprehensive; flexibility; intelligent
目  录
1  项目概况 1
  1.1  工程概况 1
  1.2  基地研究以及设计核心 1
2  设计理念1
3  方案设计2
  3.1  总体布局 2
  3.2  建筑功能 2
    3.2.1  商业休闲 2
    3.2.2  展览中心 2
    3.2.3  会议报告2
    3.2.2  办公区域 2
    3.2.2  其他附属 3
  3.3  设计策略 3
3.3.1  城市景观广场的营造 3
3.3.2  建筑生态的节能设计 3
  3.4  交通流线 3
  3.5  材料细部 3
4  小结4
1  项目概况
1.1  工程概况

1.2  基地研究以及设计核心
(1)项目地块沿着海防路、余姚路、西康路这三条路,基地呈现三角形。基地现有建筑物为上海同乐坊,靠西侧的地块作为建筑主要沿街立面展示。同时海防路路宽14米,余姚路和西康路都为10米,基地的主要出入口设置在海防路较为合理。 高层综合办公楼建筑方案设计说明:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_11246.html