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时间:2017-05-30 17:39来源:毕业论文

关键词 框架结构;建筑设计;结构设计;地震作用;基础设计;PKPM软件
Title    Architectural and Structural Design of a Reception                     
            Centre of University in Nanjing     
Architectural and structural design of a reception centre of university  in Nanjing was finished in this paper. Firstly, given the architectural layout, usage function, and the characteristics of the design, the architectural scheme is determined with the help of related information and architectural design code. And the main ichnography, stereograph and profile construction drawings were finished;Secondly, on the basis of the architectural design, the structural designs of a floor slab and a frame as well as a major staircase are accomplished. Meanwhile, the corresponding structural construction shop drawings are drew; Finally, compared with the computer results with the help of the software PKPM, the error is checked and analyzed. Utilizing the data resulted from PKPM, the foundation design of the structure was accomplished and the foundation construction drawings are also drawn.
Keywords  Frame structure; Architecture design; Structure design; Earthquake effect; Foundation design; PKPM software
目   次

1  工程概况 1
2  建筑设计说明 1
2.1 建筑设计原则1
2.2  建筑略图 2
3  结构设计说明 3
3.1  结构设计与分析概述 3
3.2  设计内容4
3.3  设计准备4
4  餐厅屋盖、二层楼盖设计  5
4.1  餐厅屋盖设计5
4.2  楼盖设计12
5  框架结构计算34
5.1  结构布置及计算简图的确定34
5.2  荷载计算36
5.3  内力计算41
5.4  内力组合62
5.5  截面设计73
5.6  PKPM电算校核91
6  楼梯设计93
6.1  设计资料93
6.2  楼梯结构设计93
7  基础设计98
7.1 设计资料98
7.2  基础设计98
结论 120
致谢 121
1  工程概况
建设场地位于岗地地貌单元,目前场地较平整,除①层填土工程地质条件较差外,②、③层岩土体工程地质条件较好,但③层基岩面起伏超过10%,②层厚度变化较大。场地地下水埋深0.90~1.10米,水质对砼无侵蚀性。场地土类型为中硬场地土,Ⅰ类场地。根据建筑物上部荷载及场地工程地质条件,拟采用天然地基,以②层为持力层。场地地形、地貌及岩石土层分布详见附录B:地质报告。 高校接待中心建筑与结构设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_8127.html