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时间:2017-04-19 13:08来源:毕业论文

Building site construction safety Accident Analysis and Countermeasures
Abstract:The construction industry is a high-risk, the industry frequent accidents, and in the production process, there are many uncontrollable influence factors. In recent years, the safety management in the construction industry is gradually mature and improve, but the construction field casualties multiple situation has not fundamentally reversed. This article focuses on the construction accident analysis and countermeasures discussed.The analysis of construction accidents around the quality of construction projects to further research and analysis, command, coordination, control and a range of other activities. This article focuses on the construction accident analysis and countermeasures discussed. Strong development, China's construction industry and the status of construction safety accidents occur frequently, the article summarizes the main categories of construction safety accidents, and analyzed the reasons of safety in construction accident on the precautions, and strive to reduce construction the incidence of security incidents, prompting the construction industry healthy and orderly development.
Keyword:construction industry;Safety incidents;Accident analysis;  Countermeasures
1前言    1
1.1 论文背景    1
1.2 建筑安全的特点与相关法规    2
1.2.2 施工生产安全的特点    3
1.2.3 建筑安全的相关法规    4
1.3 论文研究的目的和意义    11
1.4论文研究的工作内容总体介绍    12
2 建筑安全文献综述    14
2.1 建筑安全概述    14
2.2国内外建筑施工现场安全事故状况    14
2.2.1国内建筑施工企业安全发展现状    14
2.2.1国外建筑施工企业安全发展现状    15
2.3 当前建筑安全管理中有待解决的问题    16
3某企业建筑的特点    17
3.1 企业概况    17
3.2安全事故(隐患)调查    17
3.2.1 已有安全事故(隐患)的数据统计    17
3.2.2 现场事故(隐患)调查    20
3.2.3 现场事故(隐患)数据整理    24
4 建筑施工安全事故隐患案例分析    26
4.1 建筑安全事故的主要门类及概念    26
4.1.1安全事故的主要门类    26
4.1.2 安全事故的分类    26
4.1.3事故定义    26
4.2 典型安全事故的分析    26
4.2.1 高处坠落事故分析    26
4.2.2 物体打击事故分析    30
4.2.3  机械伤害事故分析    31
4.2.4  触电事故分析    32
4.2.4  坍塌事故分析    33
5 建筑施工行业安全问题的原因分析    35 建筑施工现场安全事故分析与对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_5291.html