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时间:2021-12-27 20:51来源:毕业论文

摘 要:淮安市淮城·翠湖湾小区地块位于淮阴区翔宇北道东侧、北京东路北侧,北邻盐河,区位环境优美,地理位置优越,交通便捷。本基地按照控规条件要求,规划定位为中高档居住小区。在规划设计中,主要考虑人与自然之间的和谐关系,坚持以人为本的设计理念,总平面布局疏密有度,道路系统实施人车分流,景观系统引入盐河,充分与外部景观协调,配套设施齐全。最终形成一套完整科学的规划方案。76382


Abstract: Huaian District Huaicheng · Cuihuwan Community is in the north side of Salt River and located in the east of Xiangyubei Road, north of Beijingdong Road in Huaian。 It has beautiful regional environment。 The geographical position is superior, the transportation network is convinient。 According to the requirements of control regulation in this base, we set intention on the high-level residence。 In this planning programming, we consider mainly about the harmonious relationship between man and nature。 We adhere to the humanism theory。 The density of the general layout is suitable。 We make the road system into Coexistence of People and Vehicles。 The landscape system lead to Salt River。 It is in accordance with exterior landscape  thoroughly。 It also has complete supporting facilities。Enventually it becomes a compete set of scientific planning。

Keywords: Huaicheng · Cuihuwan community, Planning and design, People-oriented, healthy lifestyle

目  录

1 项目概况 4

2 设计依据 4

3 总体规划设计部分 4

3。1 设计理念 4

3。2 规划设计目标 4

3。3 总体布局 5

3。4 交通组织 5

3。5 景观设计 5

4 单体设计部分 6

4。1 住宅设计 6

4。2 配套商业 7

4。3 配套公共建筑 7

4。4 设计原则 7

5 主要技术经济指标 7

6 消防设计 8

7 节能设计 8

8 给水排水设计 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10

附录 11

1 项目概况


2 设计依据





5、《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》(2007) 淮安市淮城翠湖湾小区规划设计和CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_87626.html
