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时间:2021-12-30 14:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要通过全站仪进行测量,能够提高工作效率,减少人工的投入,还可以提高测量的精度,较大程度地减少因人工测量而造成的错误。在以前进行测量大多数情况下需有多种测量仪器来互相配合,现在只需要一台全站仪就可以完成几乎所有的工作,不得不说这是测量领域的一大进步。研究全站仪在建筑施工放样中的应用,不仅可以加深我们对全站仪的了解,还能从中清晰的明白各种需放样的事物怎样由全站仪以最快最好的方法得出。76484


毕业论文关键词:  全站仪,测量,施工放样

Abstract Application of total station instrument to measure work can improve work efficiency, reduce labor input, but also can improve the accuracy of the measurement, greatly reduce the error caused by manual measurement。 Most of the traditional measurement work requires a variety of measuring instruments to complete, and now only need a total station can be completed almost all the work, have to say that this is a big progress in the field of measurement。 Study on the application of total station in the construction lofting, not only can enhance our understanding of total station instrument, but also from the clear understand a variety of lofting things how by total station instrument to the fastest best method that。

   This topic must master the main function of total station, the setting of parameters and how to operate it in the actual working process。 Secondly to understanding the need for the construction surveyors lofting the elements of what, then is the use of the various functions of the total station lofting。 In the course of the study need to actual operation of total station instrument which we want to show a variety of lofting method and want to layout elements to get to show you。

   Key words: total station instrument,measure,construction layout


摘要 II

Abstract III

1  绪论 3

1。1  课题研究现状 3

2  全站仪功能介绍 3

2。1  界面功能键简介 3

2。2  三种测量模式简介 5

2。2。1  角度测量模式 5

2。2。2  距离测量模式 5

2。2。3  坐标测量模式 6

3  全站仪数据通讯功能 7

3。1  发送数据 7

3。2  数据参数的设置 7

4  全站仪放样步骤 7

4。1  建立文件 7

4。2  选定测站数据文件 8

4。3  设置测站点坐标 8

4。4  设置后视 8

4。5  放样 8

5  一般放样方法介绍 9

5。1  施工放样种类 全站仪在建筑施工中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_87750.html
