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时间:2022-10-30 22:13来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词: 框架结构   抗震设计   内力组合   pkpm

Abstract The subject of graduation project is the framework architectural design framework, the goal is building management department of large numbers floor, in a building and teaching, laboratory and office building integrated。 In the design process, first need to be the core of architectural design, architectural design is in line with all kinds of national norms, on the basis of compliant up to apply for the use function, and finally as much as possible to make structured layout。

After the architectural design is the structural design。 At the beginning of the structural design ,it is necessary to consider for structural arrangement, in order to estimate the size member。 In the seismic design mainly uses the D value method and base shear method for determining the lower lateral stiffness and horizontal earthquake structure internal forces。 Pin for a framework, through the earthquake under the Internal Force and Internal Force Vertical Load combinations (without regard to wind loads) can be drawn from the control section of the most unfavorable internal forces。 Use a combination of internal forces out to guide the of the beams cross-sectional design。 Through section design ,we can place steels for beams section。 For stairs and floors of such member requires a separate design, according to statistics of the load can be obtained such reinforcement member。

After the completion the design of the main structure, we also need design foundation。 According to internal forces of the existing situation and the underlying geological data, worst case basis of foundation can be drawn by force, in order to complete the selection and foundation reinforcement。

The above is considered part of the hand, After finishing the part of hand count, comparasion required by means of pkpm computing。 We can find the error by comparing the information of  hand calculations computing to the pkpm。It is important for us to improve ourselves,so that for the next design experience 。

Keywords: frame structure  seismic design  internal force  pkpm

绪  论框架结构作为现代建筑的代表一直在建筑结构中有着一席之地,作为传统砖混结构的进化,框架结构彻底改变了力的传递路径,使得墙体不在担任主要受力构件(框剪除外),大大的提高了建筑平面分割布局的灵活性。整体现浇的框架结构有着很好的抗震性能,自5。12地震之后,框架的抗震性能越来越被人们所重视。但框架结构也并不是十全十美,由于结构自身自重较大 ,所以框架结构不宜用在高层建筑之中。而且框架结构的构件自身体积较大,有时候可能会影响局部的使用功能。再加上混凝土的带裂缝工作特性,使得框架结构在防水防潮方面需要采取加强措施,最后就框架结构的耐火性较差,所以在设计之中时刻需要考虑是否满足防火规范。在电影《摩天楼》之中,遭受火灾之后的框架结构内部钢筋大量融化变形,基本丧失承载力以至于整个建筑物发生倒塌。 大学数理楼设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_101321.html
