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时间:2022-01-23 14:53来源:毕业论文

摘要本设计的港址是位于天津港东疆港区。码头的类型为集装箱码头。是在经国务院批 准成立到目前为止面积最大、条件很好、政策最优、效率最大、通关最便捷、环境都最 宽松的保税港区。东疆港保税港区集成保税区、出口的加工区、保税物流园区,功能集 于一体。在拥有着开发区、保税区和高新技术产业园区等区域的全部政策的同时,充分 享受着国家批准的涉及税收、口岸的监管、外汇的管理等方面的众多优惠政策。东疆保 税港区是中国政府设立在天津市滨海新区的区域性自由贸易园区的主要组成部分。77333

本码头为整体装配的梁板式高装码头。面板结构采用预制板,面板搭接在纵梁上。 纵梁分装卸桥轨道梁,一般分成纵梁和边纵梁,所有纵梁都搭载桩帽上。纵梁都按刚性 支撑链接来计算。横向的排架间距为 7 米,横梁采用钢筋混凝土叠合梁。重点的部分是 在纵梁的计算和横向排架计算,采用桩的两端为铰接柔性桩台的计算方法。对纵梁、横

梁、面板进行内力,配筋计算、抗裂验算。桩采用预制预应力的空心方桩,对桩的承载 力进行验算。


Abstract The design of the port site is located in Tianjin Dongjiang port。 Dock type container terminal。 The State Council approved the establishment of the largest so far, the best conditions, the best policy, the highest efficiency, the most convenient customs clearance, the most relaxed environment bonded port。 Dongjiang Bonded Port in bonded zones, export processing zones, bonded logistics park functions in one, in all policies have development zone, free trade zone, high tech Industrial Park and other areas at the same time, the full enjoyment of the approved by the state related to tax, port supervision, foreign exchange management, and other aspects of a number of preferential policies。 Dongjiang Bonded Port area is one of the Chinese government set up in the main part of Tianjin Binhai New Area of regional free trade zone。

The terminal assembly as a whole beam slab high pier。 The panel with precast slab  in the longitudinal lap。 Crane rail beam into longitudinal, general longitudinal and side rails, rails with pile cap。 According to the calculation of the rigid support beam link。 Transverse distance of 7 meters of reinforced concrete beams using composite beam。 The key part is the lateral row frame calculation, calculation method for the pile ends hinged flexible pile in taiwan。 On the beam, the panel of internal forces, the calculation of reinforcement and crack check。 Piles are prefabricated prestressed hollow square pile, the bearing capacity of the impact of the collision checking。

Keywords: container; high-pile wharf; Structure layout; Transverse bent

第一章 设计背景 8

1。1  工程概况 8

1。2  设计原则 8

1。3  设计依据 8

第二章 设计资料 10

2。1  地形条件 10

2。2  气象资料 10

2。3  水文资料 11

2。4  泥沙资料 12

2。5  地质资料 13

2。6  地震资料 天津港东疆港区8万吨级集装箱码头结构设计及施工组织设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_88892.html
