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时间:2022-01-24 21:30来源:毕业论文
厦门市南港拟建的集装箱码头结构设计及施工组织设计,厦门作为中国最 早实行对外开放政策的四个经济特区之一,又是闽南金三角经济区的核心,在该地区建设 集装箱码头是为了实现

摘要本设计是对厦门市南港拟建的集装箱码头结构设计及施工组织设计,厦门作为中国最 早实行对外开放政策的四个经济特区之一,又是闽南金三角经济区的核心,在该地区建设 集装箱码头是为了实现自身发展的需要,为了更好地带动整个福建省的发展,在南港拟建 集装箱码头以及连带设施。77334

通过分析该地区的水文地质资料,研究荷载作用,经过筛选比对,再考虑了经济条件 等情况,决定选用常用的高桩梁板式码头。

本设计一共分为十三章,分别为绪论、设计资料、总平面布置、装卸工艺、结构选型、 面板计算、纵梁计算、横梁计算、桩基计算、桩帽计算、靠船构件计算与施工组织设计。 其中面板计算主要参考设计规范手算,纵梁借助结构力学求解器计算,横梁与桩基应用易 工软件计算。并对预制面板、纵梁、横梁、桩帽与靠船构件进行了配筋和抗剪计算。最后, 还针对工程情况进行了简单的施工组织设计。


Abstract The design of container wharf structure design and construction organization design on the south of Xiamen city, Xiamen as the policy of opening to the outside world of China's earliest implementation of one of the four special economic zones, and is the core of Minnan Golden Triangle Economic Zone, the container terminal in the region construction is to achieve their own development needs, in order to better the development of the Fujian Province in Southport proposed container terminal and associated facilities。

By analyzing the hydro geological data of the area, studying the load effect, through screening and comparison, and then taking into account the economic conditions and other conditions, the selection of high piled beam slab wharf。

The design is pided into thirteen chapters, respectively for calculation of introduction, design, general layout, handling technology, structure selection, panel, stringers is calculated, the calculation of beam, the calculation of pile foundation, pile cap is calculated, by ship components computation and the construction organization design。 Design specification of main reference manual calculation to compute the panel stringer with structural mechanics calculation and beam and pile foundation application easy software calculation。 And the precast concrete panel, beam, beam, pile cap and berthing members were reinforced and shear resistant calculation。 Finally, the construction organization design is also carried out for the project。

Keywords: container; high-pile wharf; structural design;

第一章  绪论 1

1。1 工程概况 1

1。2 设计依据 2

第二章  设计资料 3

2。1 自然条件 3

2。1。1 地理位置 3

2。1。2 气象资料 3

2。1。3 水文资料 5

2。1。4 泥沙运动 5

2。1。5 地质条件 8

2。1。6 地震 8

2。2 营运资料 8

第三章  总平面布置 9

3。1 一般规定 9

3。2 平面布置形式 9

3。3 码头水域布置 9

3。3。1 港内水域布置 厦门市南港6万吨级集装箱码头结构设计及施工组织设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_88893.html
