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时间:2022-09-07 23:12来源:毕业论文



The development of emotion anchor in network speech communication platform -- Taking YY as an example

    Abstract: With the continuous development of network technology, the traditional radio emotional anchor facing greater challenges and opportunities。 As the employment pressure increasing, the rise of new network emotional class the host be media new opportunities。 But due to the rapid development of national broadcast platform, the corresponding laws and regulations is not perfect, only the measures for the administration of Internet information service, the broadcast industry self-discipline convention, "the ministry of culture exchange meetings on April 14, 2016 content, etc。, resulting in the insufficient efforts in supervising platform, the host entry threshold low, makes the quality level of all kinds of network emotion anchors take time。 Therefore the development of voice communications network platform emotional anchor analysis is very necessary。 This thesis is to voice communications network platform class emotion anchors as the research object, at the current typical YY voice as an example, from the analysis of current situation and existing problems, summed up the network emotion anchors the existing problems, and put forward reasonable Suggestions, makes our country the development of network audio video environment better。

    Key Words: Voice communications network platform; Radio emotional anchor; The difference between

目    录

摘  要 3

Abstract 3

一、网络语音交流平台 4

(一)网络语音交流平台的产生 4

(二) 网络语音交流平台的行业现状 5

二、网络情感类主播与电台情感类主播的区别 6

(一)受众人群的区别 6

(二)收入来源的区别 7

(三)交流平台的区别 7

(四)制约条件的区别 7

三、网络情感类主播自身存在的问题 8

(一)一味追求利益,不顾节目质量 9

(二)专业素质低下,传播低俗思想 9

(三)涉及情色内容,打法律擦边球 9

四、网络情感类主播的发展策略 10

(一)国家加强行业的规范 10

(二)适当提升专业的素质 网络语音交流平台情感类主播发展探析以YY为例:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_99145.html
