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时间:2017-02-09 11:09来源:毕业论文


Analysis of Public Service Ads
Abstract:Public service ads is a form of advertising, which takes media, net, newspaper as a carrier to promote public welfare concept education. It has played an important role in the construction of spiritual civilization of whole society. But nowadays, the development of public service ads in China is not optimistic. This paper will study the development of Chinese public service ads by combined with questionnaire survey method, to define the concept of public service ads in the first place, and to clear up the process of development, and then to analyze the data, which is worked out from questionnaire survey conducted by the author, according the results of the survey to present the situation of the public service ads and then to parse the produced reason of status of the public service ads. At the end of the paper in view of these reasons put forward countermeasures, such as to strengthen legislation, set up special funds, improve media and corporate social responsibility and the universal participation, in order to better development in the public service ads.
Key Words: public service ads; media; status
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、公益广告界说    2
 (一) 公益广告的概念    2
(二)公益广告的起源和发展    2
二、公益广告的现状分析    4
(一)部分公益广告缺乏创意    4
 (二) 传播渠道相对狭窄    5
(三)公益广告质量参差不齐    5
(四)企业公益意识较弱    5
(五)与商业广告相比所占比重较少    6
三、公益广告现存问题的原因分析    6
 (一) 公益广告的播放缺乏法律保障    6
(二)无偿播放使广告媒体缺少动力    6
(三)高质量的公益广告制作难度大    7
(四)公益广告所需资金匮乏    7
四、公益广告的品质提升策略探析    7
(一)为公益广告提供法律保障    8
(二)健全资金保障体系    8
(三)提高媒体和企业的社会责任感    9
(四)建立评测平台    9
参考文献    10
附录    11
    公益广告作为广告的重要组成部分,利用它轻便短小、艺术特点强、受众广泛的优势,针对各种社会问题对广大民众进行劝诫、引导,并不断的修正人与人之间、人与自然、人与社会的关系,是我国进行社会主义精神文明建设的重要手段。但是,目前我国的公益广告处在一个极为尴尬的境地。本文中笔者主要通过问卷调查的方式,选取郑州市和周口市为样本区域,进行问卷调查和数据分析,以便全面了解公益广告的发展现状,并通过现状来分析原因,从而对公益广告的发展提出合理的建议。 公益广告的现状分析+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_2708.html