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时间:2017-02-20 12:48来源:毕业论文

摘  要:近几年来,社交网络随着网络应用的日益发展已被大多数网民所熟知并应用。社交网络软件的应用给我们的生活带来了方便和快捷,但同时也将人们带入了“零隐私空间”中。当下,个人隐私数据屡屡被非法归纳、使用和传播。社交网络中的个人隐私权保护也成为了人们关注的焦点。本论文先论述了社交网络中个人隐私权的概念及特点,然后从侵权现象时有发生、网络侵权手段多样、社交网络服务商隐私声明形同虚设这三方面论述了网络隐私权保护的现状。最后根据社交网络所处环境的虚拟性、社交网络运营商为逐利而泄露个人信息、公民个人隐私权保护意识较为淡薄三方面的原因引申出加强社交网络中个人隐私权保护的可行之道。5866

   Discuss about the protection of personal privacy in social network
Abstract:In recent years, with the development of the internet, the social network has been aquatinted with and applied by most net-citizen. And the application of social network software has brought us much convenient. However it also brought us into the “no-privacy space”. Nowadays, personal privacy data is often being illegally concluded, used and spread. So the public are focusing more attention to the protection of personal privacy in social network. In this following article, it discusses the concepts and features of the privacy right of people in social network first, and then discusses the current situation of the protection of the right to internet privacy in three aspects which include the occasionally occurs of infringement act, the variety of infringement in network and useless of the privacy statement of the social network service providers. Finally it extends some efficient approaches to improve the situation of the privacy protection in social network according to the vitality of the social network atmosphere, the leakage of private information dues to the social network operators’ working for profit and the weakness of the public's privacy protection awareness.
Key Words: the social network; privacy right; protection
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、社交网络中个人隐私权概述    2
(一)社交网络中个人隐私权的概念    2
(二)社交网络中个人隐私权的特点    2
二、社交网络中个人隐私权保护的现状    3
(一)侵权现象时有发生    3
(二)网络侵权手段多样    4
(三)隐私声明形同虚设    5
三、社交网络中个人隐私权保护不足的原因    5
(一)社交网络所处环境的虚拟性    5
(二)社交网络运营商为逐利泄露网民信息    5
(三)公民个人隐私权保护意识较为淡薄    5
四、加强社交网络中个人隐私权保护的可行之道    5
(一)加强社交网络监管    5
(二)严厉打击网络暴力和滥用“人肉搜索”行为    5
(三)网民审慎的使用社交网络服务    5
参考文献    5
随着互联网时代的到来,社交网络软件的应用也变得日益频繁。很多人只看到了社交网络带来的便利,而忽略了它带来的隐私权侵犯问题。社交网络隐私权与传统的隐私权所涵盖的范围并不一样,为了更好的对社交网络中的隐私权保护进行探究,我们就必须先明确社交网络中个人隐私权的概念及特点。 浅谈社交网络中的个人隐私权保护:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_3111.html