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时间:2018-05-10 21:10来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 韩剧; 艺术特征;叙事艺术;表演风格;美学品格
On the artistic features of the hit South Korean TV soaps in the new century
 The introduction of South Korean TV soaps , according to data released by catalog SARFT permits issued in the past two years perspective , South Korea and Hong Kong , Taiwan, the introduction of the current one-third of the world South Korean TV soaps . In the number of Korean did not become absolute supremacy , but because of strong South Korean TV soaps viewership effect , its impact has been far beyond the screen . Korean South Korean TV soaps inroads into our country, a tremendous impact on the TV market , on the artistic features of Korean studies seem as necessary and even urgent . Why can cause so much South Korean TV soaps wave in China ? Why Chinese audiences like South Korean TV soaps ? What are the success factors South Korean TV soaps ? This paper analyzes from an artistic point of South Korean TV soaps , South Korean TV soaps theme resources in five major areas , screenwriter techniques, performance styles , emotional and aesthetic character , such as scale out of a television series is consistent with the nature and the art of the road with strong ethnic characteristics , which is national productions been trying to do has not been able to do, it is worth national productions improvement and learning. South Korean TV soaps focusing on the reduction in the narrative content of life , to love moving ; narrative skills emphasis added comedy elements and suspense ; strive to perfect the art style. In the communication process , reflecting the Confucian emphasis on culture, presenting folk culture symbols to achieve the purpose of transmission of traditional culture. I hope that through the artistic characteristics of the above , the level of China 's creative South Korean TV soaps can be improved.
Keywords : South Korean TV soaps ; artistic features ; narrative art ; performance style ; aesthetic character
Abstract    3
绪 论:韩剧在中国    1
第一章  热播韩剧的题材分析    3
1.1 日常生活与纯粹的爱情——韩剧不竭的题材来源    3
1.2 立足现实,文系传统    5
第二章 韩剧的主题分析    6
2.1 儒家文化与西方文化的结合    6
2.2 以情感为主线,弘扬情感美德    6
2.3 韩剧的题材、情节、文化有机结合    7
2.3.1韩剧题材设计中的美学——素朴之美    7
2.3.2 韩剧情节设计中的美学——和谐之美    7 浅析新世纪以来我国热播韩剧的艺术特征:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_15385.html