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时间:2018-09-13 21:00来源:毕业论文

The Current Development and Plight of Reality show
Abstract: The relaxed and humorous style of reality show wins many viewers. Since 2000 the domestic reality show have not only prosperous stage but also bottleneck. At present, there are five domestic reality show types, performances draft type, competitive task type, life and emotional type, educational and cultural type ,and humorous type. Generally, the  broadcast time of domestic reality show is set in weekend nights at eight to twelve o’clock.And the highest rating of the program is below 5%.The operation of the domestic reality show is still relatively unfamiliar,especially the marketing.And the domestic reality show is living on advertising, sponsorship, the sale of copyright and its derivatives.For the current development of domestic reality show, I summarized the following five plight. First, the authenticity and entertainment of  program can not be hold properly; Secondly, the reality show is lack of innovation; In addition, the civilian and interactive program is not enough; Thirdly, reality show is lack of industrialization; And finally, the localization of reality show can not reflect Chinese characteristics. To get over these problems, we put forward some solutions. To strengthen the innovation of reality show,domestic reality show should change the program mode and focus on the periodical updating of the program;We should pay attention to brand the reality show and accelerate the industrialization of program to achieve the derivative value of it; The most important part is to focus on people-oriented and the Chinese traditional culture as well as humanistic spirit to create a reality show with Chinese characteristics.
Key words:Reality show,Current development,Plight,Solution
绪论    5
一、 国内真人秀节目的发展现状    6
(一) 国内真人秀节目的发展    6
(二) 国内真人秀节目的主要类型    7
(三) 国内真人秀节目的市场情况    8
1. 收视情况    8
2. 运作情况    9
3. 盈利方式    10
二、 国内真人秀节目目前的困境    11
(一) 节目内容真实性、娱乐性把握不适,容易引起反感    11
(二) 节目模式缺乏创新,跟风严重导致审美疲劳    12
(三) 受众参与度低,难以调动观看的积极性    12
(四) 节目缺乏产业化的运作理念,很难实现衍生价值    13
(五) 节目本土化不够,难以体现中国特色    13 浅析国内真人秀节目的发展现状与困境:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_23067.html