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时间:2018-07-02 16:11来源:毕业论文

The Behavior Analysis of College Students' Surfing the Internet Through Telephone —— Taking Zhoukou Normal University As an Sample
    Abstract:With the development of the internet technology and smartphone technology, surfing the internet through telephone becomes the main way for people to get information. In the use of mobile Internet users, college students are an important part. Mobile Internet has brought convenience to the college lifestyle, while also exposed many problems can not be underestimated. This thesis focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the internet through telephone with the sample of Zhoukou Normal University’s students. Through the investigation, we find that the advantages of surfing the internet through telephone include that it is more convenient for the students to get more useful information and it helps the students to 
complete the process of socialization. However, the disadvantages include that it easily makes the campus public opinion complex and leads to the some bad habit—— fragmentation reading and dependence on the telephone. To decrease the influences of the disadvantages, we urge the students to improve self-discipline, enrich their campus activities and strengthen their media literacy to make their daily life full and colorful.
    Key Words:university student; surfing the internet through telephone; behavior analysis; Zhoukou Normal University
 目        录
摘    要     1
Abstract    1
一、师范学院大学生手机上网现状调查    2
(一) 师范学院大学生手机上网基本情况统计    2
   (二)师范学院大学生手机上网的态度分析    4
二、手机上网行为对师范学院大学生的积极影响    4
(一)方便大学生群体快捷获取信息    4
(二)有助于大学生彰显青春个性    5
    (三)有助于大学生加快完成社会化过程    5
三、师范学院大学生手机上网现存问题分析    6
(一)易导致校园舆情复杂化    6
(二)易培养碎片化的阅读方式    7
(三)易诱发手机依存症    8
(四)易诱使大学生群体“行为失范”    9
四、正确引导大学生手机上网的对策分析    10
(一)提高大学生自律能力    10
(二)丰富校园文化活动    10
(三)加强对大学生的心理教育    11
(四)提高大学生媒介素养    12
参考文献    13
附录:《师范学院大学生手机上网现状问卷调查》    14
大学生手机上网行为分析以师范学院为例随着信息技术的普及和媒介的不断创新与发展,手机这个原本单纯的通讯工具,在信息技术激发下开启了它的多功能时代。手机以其快捷、易操作、共享等特性,成为了信息时代最便捷的媒体,并深刻的影响了信息的生产方式和人类的生活方式。尽管各方对“手机是第五媒体”这一论断尚未达成共识,但手机上网已经成为了当下接入网络最普遍、迅捷的途径。作为手机上网的主力军,大学生群体在享受手机上网的诸多便利的同时,也暴露出种种不容忽视的问题。本文拟定大学生为研究样本,通过对其手机上网行为的现状进行调查,分析手机上网行为给师范学院大学生带来的积极影响以及消极影响,并对其问题提出对策和建议,以期于大学生群体更好的使用手机上网有一定的借鉴意义。 大学生手机上网行为分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_18576.html