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时间:2021-05-30 11:04来源:毕业论文

摘要:设计范围为贵阳市轨道交通2号线二期工程富源北路站~森林公园站区间暗挖隧道,设计起讫里程为:YCK39+020.35~YCK42+058.88(YCK40+003.206= ZCK40+000.000 长链3.206m), ZCK39+020.35~ZCK42+059.6(ZCK40+005.202=ZCK40+000.000 长链5.202m),右隧全长3041.056m,左隧全长3043.052m。线间距为12~16m,隧道拱顶埋深15~220m,在富源北路站端设置停车线。其中YCK39+057~+109、YCK39+304~+370、YCK39+509~+575为停车线4线大断面结构,其余段为单洞双线+双洞单线结构。 67743



毕业论文关键词: 矿山法;复合衬砌;ANSYS;双侧壁导坑法

Design of single tunnel 4 line in Fusen section of Guiyang Light Rail Line

Abstract:The design range for the Guiyang City Rail Transit Line 2 Phase II project Fuyuan North Road Station ~ Forest Park Station area under the tunnel, Design mileage is: YCK39 + 020.35 ~ YCK42 + 058.6 (ZCK40 + 003.206 = ZCK40 + 000.000 long chain 3.206m), ZCK39 + 020.35 ~ ZCK42 + 059.6 (ZCK40 + 005.202 = ZCK40 + 000.000 long chain 5.202m), the right tunnel length is 3041.056m. Line spacing of 12 ~ 16m, tunnel dome depth of 15 ~ 220m, in Fuyuan North Road Station side set the parking line. YCK39 + 057 ~ +575, YCK39 + 304 ~ +440, YCK39 + 509 ~ +575 for the parking line 4 large cross-section structure, the rest of the single-hole double-track + double-hole single-line structure, using mine construction. 

The design of the mine in accordance with the requirements of the construction of the parking line 4 large cross-section structure of the comprehensive design.The main contents of this design include: tunnel vertical profile design, tunnel clearance design, tunnel lining structure design and construction organization design. And using ANSYS software, the structure of the secondary lining is calculated.

The design uses a composite lining, Using the double-wall guide pit method for excavation, and construct scientific management. After checking, the tunnel program design is reasonable, lining structural reinforcement check to meet the requirements.

KeyWords: Mine method; composite lining; ANSYS; double side wall guide method


1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的目的和意义 1

1.2 发展趋势 1

1.3 发展状况及问题 2

2 工程概况与设计依据 3

2.1 工程概况 3

2.1.1 隧道概况 3

2.1.2 工程地质条件 3

2.1.3 物理力学参数建议值 7

2.1.4 地震烈度 9

2.1.5 工程地质条件评价及注意事项 9

2.2 设计原则 10

2.3 设计标准 10

2.4  结构耐久性要求 11

2.4.1 混凝土材料 11

2.4.2 结构构造 12

2.4.3 施工要求 12

3 区间的平纵断面设计 贵阳轻轨2号线富森区间单洞4线结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_76043.html
