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时间:2021-06-09 23:04来源:毕业论文

摘要:本课题针对6mm中厚板5083铝合金,进行双面双TIG弧双角接焊的工艺试验的研究。大量焊接工艺试验结果表明,双面双TIG弧双角接焊工艺参数为焊接速度17.1cm/min、高频率交流焊接电流为207A时,可得到优质的焊缝;双面双TIG弧双角接焊与传统单弧TIG焊在相同工艺参数下对比,前者有着更大的热输入,可以获得较好的焊缝成形,焊接加热效率高;焊接电流的大小对焊接接头的焊脚尺寸有影响,焊接电流为207A时,接头尺寸较佳;对焊接接头硬度分析,焊缝区、熔合区和热影响区硬度值与母材相比稍低;金相分析表明,焊接接头的焊缝为铸态组织,焊缝基体组织由α(Al)+β(Al8Mg5) + Mg2Si相组成。68184



Title The research on High strength Aluminum alloy Double-Sided Arc   Welding


The method of double-sided double-TIG double-fillet arc welding is used for welding 6 mm thick 5083 aluminum sheet is studied is this article. A large number of welding processes results showed that, high-quality welds can be achieved when process parameters are: welding speed at 17.1cm/min,  high-frequency AC welding current is 207A; double-sided double-TIG double-fillet arc welding and the single TIG welding are compared at the  same process parameters, the former has a greater heat input, can get a better weld, and higher heat efficiency; welding current affect the size of welded joints, welding current is 207A, the joint dimensions is better;  Metallographic analysis showed that the weld metal is cast microstructure, the weld matrix organization compose with α(Al) solid solution, β(Al8Mg5) phase and Mg2Si phase.

Keywords  5083 aluminum   double-sided double-TIG double-fillet arc welding    Macroscopic weld    Microstructural


1   绪论…………  2

1.1  选题背景及意义 2

1.2  高强铝合金焊接工艺 2

1.3 趋势与展望 4

1.4 本课题研究的内容 4

2  双TIG弧双角接焊接工艺方案设计与系统构建 6

2.1  双TIG弧双角接焊接工艺设计 6

2.2  双面双TIG弧双角接自动系统构建 6

2.3  试验条件 8

2.3.1 试验材料 8

2.3.2 接头形式 8

2.4  焊接试验 8

2.4.1  焊前处理 8

2.4.2  焊接操作要求 9

2.5  硬度测试 9

2.6  金相组织分析过程 10

3  双面双TIG弧双角接焊接工艺试验研究 11

3.1  不同焊接电流双面双TIG弧双角接焊接试验 11

3.2  双面双TIG弧双角接和传统单弧焊对比试验 15

4  5083铝合金焊接成型尺寸分析与焊接缺陷 18

4.1  焊接接头尺寸分析 18

4.2  焊接接头焊缝截面宏观形貌及缺陷分析 6mm中厚板5083高强铝合金双面双弧焊接工艺方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_76632.html
