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时间:2022-08-28 16:54来源:毕业论文

摘要随着科学技术的发展和人民生活水平的提高,热水器已经走进千家万户。热 水器的储热水罐内胆主要采用搪瓷钢来制作。为了提升搪瓷内胆的性能我们需要 严格要求加工工序的规范和搪瓷钢板冲压工艺的操作步骤。另外钢板工艺设计也 关系到了产品寿命,所以为了提高产品性能需要我们不断加以研究改进。为了更 好地研究搪瓷内胆的生产过程,我们利用 DEFORM 软件对于板料冲压过程进行 数据模拟和分析以此来更好地理解其中原理。利用数值模拟对冲压过程进行模拟 是目前轧制领域内较为普遍的方法。随着计算机的发展,数值模拟中的有限元法 推出的计算软件 DEFORM-3D 能够实现复杂条件下的冲压问题。首先使用 PROE 软件将所需要的模具的三维模型绘制好,然后将零件导入到 DEFORM-3D 的前 处理中,在对板料进行网格划分后,利用软件进行定位模拟计算。计算完成后打 开处理程序观察整个冲压过程中金属板料的应力应变状态,形状热分布,冲压力 的变化等等。83560


Abstract With the development of science and technology and the improvement  of people's living standard, the water heater has already entered thousands of families。 The water heater of the hot water storage tank is mainly used to produce enamel steel liner。 In order to enhance the performance of the inner enamel we need strict demands on the operation steps of the process specification and enamelled steel sheet stamping process。 In addition, the steel plate process design is also related to the product life, so in order to improve the performance of the products we need to continue to study and improve。 In order to better study the inner enamel production process, we use DEFORM software for plate material punching process simulation and data analysis in order to better understand the principle of the。 Using numerical simulation to simulate the stamping process is a common method in the rolling field。 With the development of computer, the finite element method of numerical simulation can be applied to the calculation of DEFORM-3D。 First of all, the PROE software is used to draw the 3D model of the mold, and then the parts are imported into the front of the DEFORM-3D, and the grid is pided into the following parts。 After the calculation, the stress and strain state, the heat distribution of the shape, the change of the pressure and the change of the stress and strain of the metal sheet during the whole stamping process were observed。

Keywords: sheet meta; stamping; numerical simulation; DEFORM-3D


第一章 绪论 1

1。1  研究背景 1

1。2  国内外研究现状 1

1。2。1 搪瓷钢研究成果 1

1。2。2 冲压成型研究方法 2

1。2。3 数值模拟过程存在问题 3

1。3  搪瓷储热水罐内胆的制作 4

1。3。1 钢板材料的选择 4

1。3。2 内胆钢坯的具体制作工艺流程 4

1。3。3 钢板焊接结构 5

1。3。4 金属的表面处理 6

1。3。5 金属表面的涂搪技术 6

1。4。1 概述 8

1。4。2 数值模拟在板料冲压过程中的作用 8

1。5 DEFORM-3D 以及有限元法 DEFORM-3D两段式搪瓷储热水罐内胆冲压过程的数值模拟:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_98594.html
