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时间:2022-08-28 17:02来源:毕业论文

摘要目前,我国转炉冶炼的高碳低磷钢品种,大多数没有采取铁水预脱磷。因为高拉 碳炼钢工艺的关键,是“保碳脱磷”。在高碳的环境下,钢渣的氧化性较低,脱磷需 要的工艺条件不具备,如何保证低温条件下快速化渣、脱磷,这是转炉终点控制技术 的难点。本文作者在阅读大量文献的基础上,结合永钢生产实践提出一系列转炉脱磷 工艺:83561

(1)通过现场实验研究统计转炉脱磷工艺的各种因素,钢水温度 1450~1500℃、 炉渣碱度 2。5~4。0、炉渣氧化性 20%FeO 有利于保碳脱磷,并在此基础上研究各因素 交互作用对保碳脱磷的影响,高碱度,高(FeO)含量,充分的熔池搅动、较好的流动 性熔渣、适当的大渣量和低温是有效脱磷的前提条件。

(2)通过研究永钢 10 多天转炉保碳脱磷效果,分析转炉吹炼化渣脱磷的情况指 出:一倒脱磷效果不好,前期炉渣化渣不好,直接影响转炉脱磷效果;后续加料时及 时灵活提枪化渣、降枪脱碳,改善转炉脱磷环境。


Abstract At present, China’s smelting high-carbon low-phosphorus species, most did not use the hot metal dephosphorization, because of the high tensile  carbon steelmaking technology is the key, "Paul carbon dephosphorization", in the case of high carbon, low slag oxidation, dephosphorus required conditions are not met, how to ensure the rapid low temperature slag dephosphorization, it is the difficulty of end point control technology。The author combines production practices of Yonggang to propose a series of dephosphorization process on the basis of a lot of literature reading:

(1)Experimental study site statistics dephosphorization process a variety of factors, the molten steel temperature 1450~1500  ℃, the slag basicity of 2。5 to 4。0, 20% FeO   slag

oxidation protection in favor of carbon dephosphorization, and study the interaction of various factors on the basis of influence on carbon retention dephosphorization, high alkalinity and high (FeO) content, good fluidity slag, full bath agitation, appropriate low temperature and a large amount of slag is a prerequisite for effective dephosphorization。

(2)By studying dephosphorization effect of Wing Steel for more than 10 days, it can be seen that once the dephosphorizing is ineffective, the pre slag is bad, it will directly affect dephosphorization effect; it must be follow-up timely and flexible when feed the gun slag, drop the gun decarbonization, and improve dephosphorization environment。

Keywords: BOF,high catch carbon technology,dephosphorization,end-point control,high carbon steel。

第一章 绪 1

1。1  高碳低磷的研究意义 1

1。2  磷元素的危害 2

1。3 脱碳与高拉碳的关系 3

1。4 本文研究内容 3

第二章 脱磷的热力学分析 5

2。1  理论分析及研究 5

2。2  脱磷反应热力学分析 5

2。3  脱磷反应的影响因素 6

2。3。1 温度的影响 6

2。3。2 炉渣影响 5

2。4(FeO)的影响 11

2。5 实践控制 12

第三章 永钢三炼钢转炉保碳脱磷技术 永钢三炼钢转炉高碳低磷的控制技术:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_98597.html
