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时间:2020-07-05 21:29来源:毕业论文



Abstract:21st century is the age of green diesel engine, the development and application of electronic control technology in diesel engine has become an indispensable stage. Application of microcomputer technology in the car, make great changes have taken place in modern car than traditional car. Electronic control system to replace mechanical control, not only improve the diesel engine running parameters and the measurement accuracy can meet the emission requirements. The mechanical structure of diesel engine, the paper studies the working principle of diesel engine electronic control sensors, electronic control unit circuit and electronic control fuel injection device; All actuators through the control of electronic control unit (ECU), such as injectors, exhaust gas purification plant, etc. Practical proves that the reliability of electric control system to achieve the energy conservation and emission standard.

Keywords:electric control system,diesel engine,energy saving,emission standard

目  录

1. 柴油机电子技术的发展 4

1.1  柴油机电控技术的特点及发展历程 4

1.2  柴油机电控技术的优势 4

2. 柴油机电控喷油器 5

2.1  电控喷油器结构 5

2.2  泵喷嘴电控系统的工作原理 6

2.3  柴油机的废气再循环控制系统 7

2.4  选择性催化还原系统 7

3. 柴油机电控系统中的传感器 9

3.1  传感器在重型卡车上的应用 9

3.2  加速踏板位置传感器 9

3.3  压力传感器 10

3.4  热敏电阻温度传感器 12

4. 柴油机执行器电源电路设计 13

4.1  柴油机电子控制系统铺助电源设计 13

4.2  柴油机电喷系统控制原理 14

结 论 17

参 考 文 献 18

致 谢: 19

1. 柴油机电子技术的发展

1.1  柴油机电控技术的特点及发展历程

    柴油机电控系统由电控单元,传感器,执行器三大部份构成。传感器中有:压力传感器,转速传感器,温度传感器,油门踏板传感器等。改变了传统以机械式完成喷油的历史;以及利用电控技术,我们可以让重型卡车的操控更加轻便,安全,稳定;如AMT的运用,自动控制整车胎压,喷油系统等;其中,柴油机喷射系统经历了一代又一代跨时代的发展。柴油机采用了电子控制系统后,结构发生较大的改变,且技术日益复杂。到目前为止已经经历了三代变革: 重型卡车柴油机电控系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_55858.html
