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时间:2018-12-18 21:30来源:毕业论文
使用3Ds Max软件进行建模,将模型导入Unity3D进行虚拟交互设计。本次课题的主题是办公环境自动漫游,通过为场景添加脚本来实现虚拟现实交互。在制作过程中出现了一些代码方面的问题

摘要:随着社会经济的飞速发展,虚拟现实越来越受到大家的重视,逐渐被应用到各个行业之中。由于虚拟现实技术的交互性、沉浸感和实时性,其在建筑领域的应用方面有着广泛的前景,尤其是在室内装修和设计方面,该技术的优点是其它技术无法比拟的。采用虚拟现实技术的室内设计让设计者和用户体会到所见即所得的效果,同时也可以让用户仿佛置身在这个设计的虚拟场景中,感受身临其境的意境。实现人与场景的互动,更体现了虚拟现实的交互性、沉浸感和真实性。本次设计我用虚拟交互技术来展示办公环境规划设计,使用3Ds Max软件进行建模,将模型导入Unity3D进行虚拟交互设计。本次课题的主题是办公环境自动漫游,通过为场景添加脚本来实现虚拟现实交互。在制作过程中出现了一些代码方面的问题,之后通过其他案例解决了。31617
毕业论文关键词:    办公环境;交互;室内设计;虚拟现实
Office environment planning and virtual display
Abstract:     With the rapid development of social economy, the virtual reality is paid more and more attention, and gradually being applied to various industries.. Because of the virtual reality technology interaction, immersion and real-time, its application in the field of architecture has a broad prospect, especially in the interior decoration and design. The advantages of the technology is unmatched by other techniques. The interior design of the virtual reality technology let the designer and the user experience to see the effect of income, also can let users as if place oneself is in the design of the virtual scene, the artistic conception of immersive feel. The realization of the interaction between man and the scene, but also reflects the interaction of virtual reality, immersion and authenticity. This design I use virtual interactive technology to show the office environment planning and design, using 3DS MAX software for modeling, model import unity3d virtual interactive design. The subject of this subject is the automatic roaming of the office environment, through adding script to realize the virtual reality interaction.. Some code problems occurred during the production process, and then through other cases.
Keywords:    office environment; interior design; Interactive; virtual reality
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题概述    2
1.2 课题的现状与发展趋势    3
1.2.1 课题的现状    3
1.2.2 课题的发展趋势    3
1.3 办公空间的特点    4
1.4 办公空间的分类与构成    5
1.4.1 办公空间的分类    5
1.4.2 办公空间的构成    7
1.5 办公空间的布局    7
1.5.1 早期办公空间的布局    7
1.5.2 现代办公空间的布局    8
1.5.3 未来办公空间的布局    8
2 分析    10
2.1 课题的基本内容    10
2.2 课题的重点难点    12
2.2.1 课题的重点    12
2.2.2 课题的难点    12
2.3  设计目的与意义    12
2.3.1 设计的目的    12
2.3.2 设计的意义    13
2.4 设计原则    14
2.5 设计要求    15
2.6 设计构思    15
2.6.1 办公环境的布局    15
2.6.2 办公环境的灯光    15
2.6.3 办公环境的装饰    15
2.6.4 虚拟交互的设计    16 Unity3D办公环境规划与虚拟展示:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_27853.html