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时间:2017-04-25 23:42来源:毕业论文

摘要: 随着现代社会的迅猛发展和科技的日新月异,人们对艺术和设计从观念到形式都有了新的诠释。本文通过对装置艺术与展示设计的类比和举证,来说明在艺术现象和表现形式日趋多元化,综合化的冲击下,设计领域,特别是具有典型意义的展示空间,将在传统艺术形式的基础上找到新的突破口和新的生命力。《一种装置的构成》这一创作正是一种特殊的艺术表现形式,它既利用传统艺术表现形式所使用的方法与材料,又不同于传统艺术形式那样赋予作品具体的含义,正是由于这些特性的存在,装置艺术的发展才与时下的艺术发展方向相符合,既博采众长,又不拘泥于传统思文模式,既有传统艺术形式包含其中,又有现代艺术理念融入内涵。关键词:    装置艺术; 定义; 特征; 材料7689
The composition of a device
     With the rapid development of modern society, science and technology with each passing day, people in art and design from concept to form a new interpretation. This article through to installation art and analogy and proof of the display design to illustrate the art phenomenon and the increasingly persified forms, under the impact of integration, design field, especially has the typical significance of exhibition space, to find new breakthrough on the basis of the traditional art form and a new vitality. The composition of a device that creation is a special kind of art form, it is use of traditional art forms using methods and materials, and different from traditional works of art form that give specific meaning, it is because of the presence of these features, the development of installation art to corresponds with the art direction, both being open, and don't stick to traditional thinking mode, both traditional art forms, including into the connotation and modern art concept.
Key Words:
     Installation art; Definition; Characteristic; material
摘要  1
一、绪论  4
二、装置艺术的定义  4
三、装置艺术的特征及材料研究  5
四、装置艺术作品《一种装置的构成》创作内容  8
  (一)作品构思  8
  (二)材料准备  10
  (三)制作过程  11
  (四)作品色彩  13
  (五)最终作品  14
  (优尔)设计说明  14
  (七)功能及使用  15
  (八)创作感受  15
结论   17
参考文献   18
致谢   19
装置艺术(Installation art)是指艺术家在特定的时空环境里,将现成品材料或综合材料进行艺术性地有效选择、利用、改造、组合、安装,以形成具有丰富的精神文化意蕴的新的展示个体或群体。它是一种布置展品的方法,是一种可以在室内外短暂或长期陈列的经过完美创意和艺术处理的立体展品。最初的装置由被废弃的传统雕塑材料而来,它们是被装配起来的,它们的全部或部分组成要素是预先形成的天然或人造材料、物体或碎片。简单地讲,装置艺术就是“场地+材料+情感”的综合展示艺术。 装置艺术论文+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_5745.html