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时间:2023-11-29 22:15来源:毕业论文



Abstract : "Beauty painting" is extremely important in the history of ancient Chinese painting。During the tang dynasty, the development of top period, with the rapid development of social economy and politics, resulted in new subjects and forms of expression。So why did zhou-fang, one of the representative painters, make a "fat cheek"?Does it map the epitome of an era?What makes zhou fang such a painting style?All this has led to a lot of interest and I want to find out。Firstly, it is important to understand the characteristics of the painting style and painting of zhou-fang, and the emotional factors of zhou-fang's injection。Then, through the analysis of

social times and so on, to further study the formation of zhou's beauty painting style。Zhou-fang's image of women also has an impact on later generations。Through the exploration and analysis of the style of "plump and rich body" and the reasons for the painting of zhou fang’s later generations。 it reveals the inner feelings and The Times breath of the characters。

Keywords:beauty painting,zhou fang,artistic style,plump and rich body,forming reason


1前言 3

2仕女画的起源与发展 3

3周昉及其艺术成就 3

4结合作品分析周昉仕女画的艺术风格 4

4。1《簪花仕女图》来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 ——雍容典雅,艳而不俗 4

4。2《挥扇仕女图》——光洁华美,轻罗薄纱 5

4。3《调琴啜茗图》——从容悠闲,闲愁轻怨 6

5周昉仕女画风格的形成原因 6

5。1社会原因和时代背景 6

5。2社会审美习惯的变化 7

5。3外来因素对其的影响 7

6周昉仕女画的影响和地位 7

结论 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10

1 前言

“仕女画”是古代用来表现女性题材的一种绘画总称。在中国古代绘画发展史上极为重要,从战国、秦汉一直流传至今。人物画在隋唐占主体地位,其中,仕女画发展至其高峰,正式成为了人物画的一类题材。随着社会经济和政治的迅速发展而产生了新的题材和表现形式,周昉是其代表性画家之一,他塑造的女性皆“丰颊肥体”,形象的概括了盛唐时期的女性形象,其绘画特点被誉为“周家样”,对后世也有着深远的影响。 周昉仕女画风格及其形成原因:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_199092.html
