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时间:2023-11-29 22:16来源:毕业论文



Abstract:This paper first discusses the theory of space Chinese traditional landscape painting, landscape painting space theory on the origin, the construction and development of three aspects to do a simple analysis, in theory as a basis to study the Song Dynasty landscape painting space expression, through the analysis of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty landscape painting artists and their works, to understanding the landscape painter is how to express the sense of space landscape painting。 At the end of this paper, I think about the contemporary landscape painting。 The inflow of western culture inevitably influences the local

painting。 To some extent, how can the spatial expression of landscape painting develop? How should landscape painters face up to? This has positive guiding significance to the development direction of the space expression of the traditional landscape painting in our country。

Keywords:Song dynasty  ,Landscape painting  ,Spatial expression


1引言 4

2宋代山水画空间理论的历程 4

2。1空间理论形成的渊源 4

2。2空间理论的建构与发展 5

3宋代山水画的空间表达 6

3。1北宋“全景山水”的空间表达 6

3。2南宋“边角之景”的空间表达 7

3。3宋代山水画的空间表达对后代山水画的影响 9

4对当代山水画空间表达的思考 9

4。1当代绘画理念的冲击 10

4。2当代山水画空间表达的发展趋势 10

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14


中国的山水画发展有着悠久的历史,从魏晋时期就已经开始萌芽发展,后经历朝历代艺术家的不断突破而大放异彩。山水画的空间表达更是在艺术家的努力之下而被不断的丰富,让后人可以看到更多的山水画空间表达之法。山水画中描绘的是大自然中辽阔秀美的景象,观其内容让人有可游、可居之感,心情愉悦,心神往之。这种美的视觉享受让人乐不思蜀。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

中国的传统山水画在本民族文化的影响下,汲取儒道禅思想的营养,不断地成长发展。在山水画的发展过程中出现了许多山水画大师以及他们留下的传世名作和理论著述,受到本土文化和社会背景的影响,山水画表现出不同的审美情趣,因此每一个时代也都展现着不同的空间表达方式。现如今,山水画受到西方绘画美学思想的影响,促进了本土文化和西方文化的交流与融合,新的表现手法和元素也随之出现。为了适应时代的步伐,山水画不仅要继承传统的文化,更应打破传统而有所创新,以求获得更大的发展。 浅析宋代山水画的空间表达:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_199093.html
