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时间:2022-09-08 22:06来源:毕业论文

毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘要误读最早出现在文学领域,由文学领域中的误读引用到新闻传播实践当中,衍生出新闻误读的概念。新闻误读涵盖受众误读和媒体误读两个方面,媒体误读指的是媒体工作者在编码过程中对新闻发布者提供的事实产生误读,受众误读指的是受众在解码过程中由于个人学历、素质、认知层次、经验和阅历的差异引发的误读。本文中所指的“误读”,实际上是理解上的偏差或者是错误理解。新闻读物指的是新闻传播者、新闻发布者和受众解读新闻内容时,错误的理解新闻真实内容产生的偏差。导致新闻误读的原因较多,并且广泛的存在于新闻传播者、新闻发布者和受众之间。本文在对新闻误读的概念和发展进行阐述的基础上,对新闻误读的几种典型的具体表现进行了详细介绍,从新闻传播者、新闻发布者和受众三个角度总结出导致新闻误读的原因包括知识欠缺的误读、贴标签的误读、扩大其实的误读、以偏概全的误读、正向拔高的无误、刻意渲染的误读和主观故意的误读,最后从提高新闻发布者的工作水平、提高新闻传播者的社会责任心、提高受众对新闻事实的辨识能力三个方面来有效的规避新闻误读。83907

毕业论文关键词  新闻传播  误读现象  新闻发布者   受众

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    The performance, causes and Countermeasures of Misreading  in the news communication                     

Abstract Misreading first appeared in the field of literature, from the literature in the field of misreading quoted to the practice of Journalism and communication, derived from the concept of news misreading。 Misreading the news covers two aspects of misread the audience and the media misread, media misreading refers to is media workers in the encoding process, the news release to provide the fact that misreading, misread the audience is the audience in the decoding process due to the personal qualifications, quality, cognitive level, the experience and the experience of the differences triggered misreading。 The "Misreading" in this article is actually a deviation or a false understanding of understanding。 News reading refers to the deviation of the understanding of the true content of the news, when the news media, the news readers and the audience interpret the news content。 There are many reasons for the misunderstanding of the news, and widely exist among the media, the press release and the audience。 In this paper, on basis of the concept and the development of journalism misunderstanding, to the journalism misunderstanding of several typical concrete manifestation were introduced in detail, from the news media, news released three angles of the audience and summarizes that journalism misunderstanding reasons include the misreading of misreading the lack of knowledge is read by accident, label, expanding its misreading, sweeping, positive overstating the unmistakable, deliberately misreading of rendering and subjective intentional misreading, finally improve news release work, improve the level of news communication and social responsibility, improve the audience identification ability of news fact three aspects from the effective avoid misreading of the news。

Keywords  News dissemination   Misreading  News Publisher   Audience

目   次

1 绪论 1

1。1 选题背景 1

1。2 研究意义 2

1。3 国内外研究现状 2

1。4 研究方法 4

2 新闻误读的概念和发展 新闻传播中误读现象的表现成因及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_99156.html
