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时间:2022-05-16 21:44来源:毕业论文

摘 要:当今社会发展日新月异,网络、电视、广播、杂志等都成了企业宣传产品的渠道。而电视渠道是宣传产品、促进产品销售最有效的途径。广告的诉求方式即是指广告工作者或者广告公司运用各种方法、创意和技巧,使得电视广告激发受众的心理需求,无形中改变受众对于广告产品或品牌的态度,从而使受众产生购买产品的欲望、促成购买产品的行为。电视广告宣传产品的方式影响着说服观众是否进行购买的效果,而电视广告作为一种大众化的说服型宣传方式,只要广告的诉求方式具有逻辑性、科学性,就能造成强大的市场冲击力。这篇论文研究的是广告的感性诉求方式,然后结合国内著名广告实例分析感性诉求的多种表现形式,最后对感性电视广告的现状及前景进行剖析,并提出建议。80736


Abstract: Today's society is developing rapidly, the network, television, radio, magazines, etc。 have become the channel of enterprise products。 And the TV channel is the most effective way to promote the product sales。 Advertisement appeal is refers to the advertisement worker or advertising company using various methods, ideas and techniques, makes TV advertising to stimulate consumer is the psychological need of the audience, or a change in consumer attitudes to advertising, product or brand, so as to make the audience have a desire to buy, and contributed to the purchase of advertising products。 Television advertisement product influence to persuade the audience to buy, and television advertising as a mass of persuasive propaganda way, as long as the advertisement appeal with scientific, logical and agitation, you can generate a tremendous impact on the market force。 This thesis research is advertising the perceptual demand, and then several forms of sensibility analysis combined with the domestic famous examples of advertising, finally on the current situation and Prospect of Emotional TV ads are analyzed, and puts forward some suggestions。

Keywords: Television advertising, emotional appeal, performance form, the development of the status quo

目  录

一、前言 ……………………………………………………………… 4








 (一)亲情 ………………………………………………………………7 电视广告的感性诉求分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_93927.html
