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时间:2021-04-28 20:30来源:毕业论文

摘 要:《非诚勿扰》是江苏卫视在2010年推出的一档节目,作为电视相亲类节目适应了现代化生活的节奏,满足了社会大众的切实需要,提供了一个相对公开的相亲的平台。《非诚勿扰》以精良的节目制作和与众不同的相亲方式赢得了大批观众,引发社会广泛关注。它凭借独树一帜的节目创作思路和栏目理念,将真人秀的表现形式与电视相亲配对节目进行组合串联,通过把满足观众的切实情感需求作为出发点,实现了打破社会现实与空间局限的传播效果。一开播就得到了社会的广泛关注,收视率更是一直在同类型竞争者脱颖而出,刮起了一股电视媒体相亲交友的风潮。本文运用传播学中涉及的传播策略、“5W模式”等相关知识对其节目形态、议程设置等进行解读,通过较为全面的分析其成功的原因和不足之处,站在传播学的角度上重新思考电视相亲节目的发展。66618


Abstract:"You Are the One" is the Jiangsu TV launched in 2010, a show which type of program as a television. It adapted to the rhythm of modern life. It met the real needs of the community. It provided a relatively open dating platform. Its well programming, the innovation blind way of it won an attention rope large audience and society. With its unique creative ideas and columns show concept, manifestation of the reality show and television series dating matching programs combined to effectively meet the emotional needs of the audience as a starting point, to achieve break the limitations of social reality and space dissemination of results. Program from launch to get the attention of society, the ratings are ranked in the forefront of the same type of programs, but also stirred up a wave of television media blind dating. This paper uses communication in the communication strategy, "5W mode" to "knowledge if you are the one" program, the agenda setting of interpretation, through the comprehensive analysis of the reasons for its success and deficiencies, standing in the angle of communication rethinking of development of television dating programs.

Keywords:You are the one,Communication strategy,5W mode,communication research  

目   录

引  言 5

一、文献综述 5

(一)国外研究现状 5

(二)国内研究现状 5

1.对电视相亲节目的研究 5

2.对《非诚勿扰》的研究现状 6

二、《非诚勿扰》概述 6

三、《非诚勿扰》的传播策略 7

(一)环节创新,展现后现代zhuyi 7

(二)与时俱进,紧扣“剩情”危机 8

(三)制造话题,引发媒体奇观 8

(四)网络互动,满足受众参与感 9

四、《非诚勿扰》中涉及的传播学的“5W模式”解析 9

(一)传播者:主持人与男女嘉宾 10

(二)传播内容:新型相亲模式 10

(三)传播媒介:电视媒体 11

(四)受传者:电视观众 12

(五)传播效果 《非诚勿扰》的传播学解读:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_74591.html
