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时间:2021-04-28 20:28来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着社会的变迁,新媒体的日益发展,媒体公信力越来越成为公众关注的焦点。作为媒体自身的内在力量,媒体公信力是衡量媒体工作是否为公众所信任的标尺,媒体公信力的高低对于媒体发展产生了巨大影响。媒体公信力关系到社会的经济、政治、文化等各个方面的发展。如今媒体公信力的缺失现象日益普遍,面对这种现象,社会应该有紧迫感,问题不仅仅是媒体一个所造成的。本文主要在探讨公信力缺失的基础上,从政府、社会与媒体三个方面探索提高媒体公信力的对策和方法。66617


Abstract:Along with rapid social change and the advent of new media, the public is becoming increasingly aware of the credibility of the mass media. As an internal power of the media, it is the criterion to measure whether the media could be trusted by the public or not. This level of standard even has remarkable impact on social economic, political and cultural advancement. Recently, the phenomenon that the media deliberately neglects its media credibility seems to be more and more common and serious. In order to improve this situation, members in our society should have the sense of urgency, since this problem is not only caused by the mass media itself. The aim of this report is to elaborate and discuss the responsibilities of the government, our society and the media as well as the solution to enhance and complete the standard of credibility of the mass media under current circumstances.   

Keywords:media credibility,  media ,  audiences

目   录

引言 3

一、文献综述 4

(一)国外研究现状 4

(二)国内研究现状 5

二、媒体公信力概念界定 5

三、媒体公信力缺失主要表现 6

(一)新闻失实 6

(二)内容低俗 8

(三)广告新闻 9

四、媒体公信力缺失原因分析 10

(一)客观原因 10

(二)主观原因 10

五、提升媒体公信力的举措 11

(一)社会他律 11

(二)媒体自律 11

1、媒体从业人员的素养 11

2、媒体的责任意识 12

结  论 13

参 考 文 献 14

致  谢 15



改革开放以来,我国社会正经历着体制机制、政治格局与经济环境的大变革,国家实力显著增长,但各种社会问题也随之而来。媒体公信力缺失现象日益严重,尔虞我诈、欺上瞒下、弄虚作假由最初的经济领域向各行各业渗透,即便是被称为社会守望者的媒体也未能幸免。随着媒体市场化的深入,信息产品虚假、有偿新闻泛滥、不尊重人民意愿等各种媒体公信力缺失现象频现。媒体公信力失范引发了严重后果,给经济带来重大损失,国家形象蒙羞,人民受到误导,严重影响了媒体公信力。广播电视作为传统媒体,对其公信力的研究不仅可以规范媒体工作,也从另一个角度探究了当前社会道德重建和信用建设问题,为其提供了全新的视角与方法。 浅析广播电视媒体公信力:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_74589.html
