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时间:2020-05-14 19:37来源:毕业论文



Survey and Analysis on College Student Employment Inettios

--Take the Students Major in Physics of Zhoukou Normal University as an Example

Abstract: Students' current employment situation is not very optimistic, according to the 2014 national survey the number of ordinary college graduates reached 7.27 million in 2015, the number of ordinary college graduates nationwide reach 7.49 million, while in 2016 the number of college graduates nationwide is reached 770 million or more, plus students go abroad to come back about 300,000, and the absence of previous graduates find jobs expected by 2016 there will be more than 10 million college students while facing employment. In such a competitive environment, before graduating college students after graduation they have their own plans as well as how employment before graduation to make adequate preparation is very important. This article is an investigation against Zhoukou Normal College Physics 2012 and 2013 student employment intentions, the survey uses a questionnaire form, by the findings of the analysis and discussion, understanding Zhoukou Normal University physics students He intended employment after graduation as well as what to do to prepare, and the targeted put forward countermeasures and suggestions.

Key Words: College students; Employment situation; Employment intentions; Job readiness

目    录

摘要 1

引言 2

1.绪论 2

1.1调查目的 2

1.2调查对象及方法 2

1.3样本详情 3

2. 调查结果及数据统计分析 3

2.1 就业形势及就业意向 3

2.2 考研 4

2.3 就业 5

3. 调查总结 10

4. 建议 11

4.1学生自身方面 11

4.2院校方面 11

参考文献 13

附  录 14

附录1:物理学专业学生就业意向问卷 14

附录2:调查结果统计 16

致    谢 18 


就业乃民生之本,每年的就业季,对于即将毕业的大学生来说都是一段倍感压力的时间。自上个世纪高校实行扩招以来,每年的应届毕业生人数都在激增。 到了2013年全国普通高校毕业生人数达到了699万,被戏称为“史上最难就业季”,到了2014年全国普通高校毕业生人数达到了727万,被称为“史上更难就业季”,到了2015年全国普通高校毕业生人数达到了749万,比被称为“史上更难就业季”的2014年多了22万,而2016年全国普通高校人数更是达到了770万。越来越多的应届毕业生,加上没有找到工作的往届生,以及出国回来的留学生,越来越多的求职人数,使得就业的压力越来越大。在如此大的就业压力下,为就业做好充分的准备是大学生在大学生涯中最重要的事情。 大学生就业意向调查和分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_51572.html
