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时间:2019-11-27 20:54来源:毕业论文



Research on the Problems in the Ending of Chinese Class in Primary School and Its Sloving Strategies

—based on a number of high quality video analysis

Abstract: As the saying goes, all the skills of basketry are at the finishing. Classroom teaching is like that, in my view. The reason why the ending is of great importance is that it is the last step in the classroom teaching, which is crucial to achieve a successful Chinese class. Throughout primary Chinese classroom, however, many teachers pay more attention to the design of an alluring lead and new curriculum. So they will ignore the ending of classroom teaching and turn up anticlimax phenomenon. This search systematically elaborates the function of the ending of class through the method of literature and makes a thorough analysis on the open issue in the ending of Chinese class in primary school through video analysis method. Aiming to optimize teaching and promote students’ effective learning, in view of this, we put forward a homologous proposal on how to design efficient ending in the classroom teaching with the feature of primary student's mind and the reality of teaching.

Keywords: Chinese teaching in primary school; The ending of class; Optimization

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、课堂结束语的内涵及作用 2

(一)课堂结束语的内涵 2

(二)课堂结束语的作用 2

二、小学语文课堂结束语存在的问题 4

(一)繁杂琐碎,不够凝练 4

(二)偏离主体,言不对题 5

(三)僵硬呆板,无法激趣 5

三、优化小学语文课堂结束语的建议 6

(一)重视方法,灵活多样 6

(二)精炼语言,直击重点 8

(三)明确目标,有的放矢 8

参考文献 9

附录 10

致谢 11


当前,如何在具体教学实践中优化自己的教学也成为当前广大教师关注的焦点。课堂结束语作为教学过程的最后环节,对实现一节成功的语文课有着不可忽视的作用。国内关于“课堂结束语”的研究,主要集中在对课堂结束语的作用、原则和技能方法等三个方面的研究,并没有学者对当前语文课堂结束语的现状进行研究。因此,本研究以小学语文教学实践中的结束语为研究对象,通过对小学语文优质课视频的分析,发现当前小学语文课堂结束语存在的问题,并在此基础上提出有效的、可操作性的建议,为广大教师提供参考资料。因此本文关于小学语文课堂结束语的研究不仅对教师优化教学有一定的理论意义,还有很强的实践意义。 小学语文课堂结束语存在的问题建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_42461.html
