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时间:2020-09-18 19:51来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The kindergarten teachers and children live together, play games, tell stories, singing and other activities are made between teachers and students have some exchanges in the thoughts, feelings, because the communication between teachers and children with educational larger, so the teacher how to choose suitable for children's good communication means and way is particularly important. In this regard, this paper focuses on the new kindergarten teachers and young children which two "admission of new inpidual", discuss the status of communication in both the double characteristics, combined with the new teachers in kindergarten and preschool classes, put forward the countermeasure for effective communication, the establishment of communication systems are interactive, strengthen new teachers in kindergarten and preschool classes communicate better, promote the growth of new teachers and young children.

Key words: kindergarten,new teachers,young kids,effective communication


1  引言···3

2  基本概念界定···3

2.1  幼儿园新入职教师·3

2.2  有效沟通·3

3  幼儿园新入职教师与小班幼儿有效沟通中存在的问题·4

3.1  沟通中新教师不尊重小班幼儿···4

3.2  新教师在心理沟通氛围营造中情感投入不足···4

3.3  新教师缺乏有效的交流与指导技巧···4

4  幼儿园新入职教师与小班幼儿沟通的问题成因分析···5

4.1  新教师的教育观念有待完善·5

4.2  新教师需要时间来适应角色转换·6

4.3  新教师沟通交流的实践能力有待提高·6

5  幼儿园新入职教师与小班幼儿有效沟通的策略构建···6

5.1  提升新教师观念,使沟通有基础·6

5.2  加快新教师的心理适应过程,使沟通有条件···7

5.3  提高新教师的交流指导技巧,使沟通有效率···7

5.3.1  “听”孩子的声音为切入点·8

5.3.2  “创”和谐的环境为基础·8

5.3.3  “用”多样开放的沟通方式为手段·8



1  引言

幼儿园教师与幼儿的沟通交流是幼儿一日生活中必不可少的成分,对于新入职教师来说,在缺乏保教经验的前提下,既要扮演与小班幼儿沟通交流的主动者,又要扮演小班幼儿主体性的支持者,在角色适应中寻求与小班幼儿的有效沟通。对于小班幼儿来说,刚进入幼儿园,不适应幼儿园的生活,不会与外界进行有效沟通,同时言语表达能力较弱,在与教师进行沟通交流时,易造成教师的不理解,从而加大了新教师与小班幼儿之间沟通的难度。 幼儿园新入职教师与小班幼儿有效沟通的策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_60929.html
