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时间:2022-08-29 21:30来源:毕业论文



The Study on the Status Quo of Zhoukou Primary Students’ Handwriting in Their Chinese Homework

Abstract: When high-tech electronic products is becoming more and more popular, the time we use a pen to write is less and less, so it is more and more difficult to recognize most people’s words。 "Chinese characters amnesia" and "typing agraphia" spread increasingly in today's information society。 Today because schools are in the one-sided pursuit of enrollment rate; teachers only attach importance to students' knowledge and ability training and ignore the students' handwriting in the homework; parents' occupation honor surpasses their sense of responsibility in family education, the phenomena of students' sloppy, untidy homework are resulted。 Therefore, to standardize students’ handwriting is particularly important。 In the internship period, through lectures and observation the author found students' handwriting problems such as the writing posture, typos, more or less strokes etc。 To solve these problems, the author made an analysis from four aspects: students' writing attitude, writing ability, schools and teachers and parents。 Finally, suggestions were offered form four aspects: the writing attitude of students cultivate the students' writing ability, establish strong writing atmosphere for the school and the supervision of parents。

Key words: writing attitude; handwriting; homework design

摘要 1

Abstract。 1

一、小学生语文书写的重要性 2

二、小学三年级学生语文书写的现状 2

(一)写字、执笔姿势不规范 2

(二)笔画、笔顺错误 3

(三)有错别字、多笔和少划的现象 3

(四)间架结构不美观 3

(五)标点符号书写不规范 4

三、小学三年级学生语文书写存在问题及原因分析 4

(一)学生对书写的态度不端正 4

(二)学生书写能力存在差异 5

(三)学校和教师对学生的书写不重视 5

(四)家长缺乏对学生书写作业的监督 6

四、改善小学三年级学生书写能力的对策 7

(一)端正态度,养成良好的书写习惯 7

(二)合理设计作业,培养学生的书写能力 7

(三)利用教育资源,创设浓厚的书氛围 7

(四)家长要重视学生家庭作业的监督 8

参考文献 9

附录Ⅰ 小学三年级学生语文书写存问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_98661.html
