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时间:2019-06-25 19:49来源:毕业论文

Kindergarten new teachers roles to adapt to the present situation of the research
——the J kindergarten of Zhoukou
Abstract: As preschool education, more and more get of the party and the government attaches great importance to preschool teachers' professional development is the key of the development of preschool education, therefore, the kindergarten new teachers as a foundation and in the critical period of professional development, cultivating new kindergarten teachers role adaptation has become an important problem we should pay attention to. In view of this, this article through the observation method, literature method and interview method, in view of zhoukou city J kindergarten new teachers roles to adapt to the situation to carry on the investigation, mainly from the teaching skills, interpersonal relationships, changing roles, and other point of view to analyze the status quo, and the cause of formation. Based on this, puts forward new kindergarten teachers better and faster to adapt to the role of effective Suggestions; Such as improve their professional knowledge, strengthen the people .
Keywords: The kindergarten new teachers; Role adaptation; advice
目    录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、幼儿园新教师角色适应的概述    2
(一)新教师角色适应的定义    2
(二)幼儿园新教师角色适应的重要性    2
二、幼儿园新教师角色适应的现状及问题分析    3
(一)角色转换方面    3
(二)人际关系方面    4
(三)教学能力方面    5
三、幼儿园新教师角色适应存在问题的原因分析    6
(一)幼儿园方面    7
(二)教师自身方面    7
(三)学校方面    7
四、解决幼儿园新教师角色适应中存在问题的建议    8
(一)幼儿园方面    8
(二)教师自身方面    8
(三)学校方面    9
参考文献    10
附录Ⅰ    11
附录Ⅱ    12
致谢    13
我国幼儿园新教师角色适应困难是不容忽视的教育现实,也是困扰我国教育的一大难题。它早已经成为全社会关注的问题。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》中提出要“ 积极发展学前教育,到2020年,普及学前一年教育”。要顺利实现这一任务就需要很多新教师加入到学前教育这个“ 大家庭” 中。因此“幼儿园新教师角色适应”再次成为讨论的焦点话题。这次新修订更加促进了学前教育的发展,注重新教师入职前的培训、完善新教师自身的专业素质等。
笔者在本研究中把角色适应定义为刚走上工作岗位、以教师的要求调整自己的角色使之更好的成为教师的适应过程。因此,笔者以此为基点,希望找出影响幼儿园新教师角色适应的因素,并在此基础上提出相应的建议。 幼儿园新教师角色适应能力的现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35165.html