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时间:2022-07-09 11:18来源:毕业论文



A Case Study on Children’Social Behavior

Abstract: The pace of modern society is too fast。Many parents, whether at work or in their children's education, just take steps forward blindly and hastily。 They are only paying attentin to children's intelligence development and skill learning, frequently ignore other aspects of children's development, especially social behaviors。 Using literature method, observationmethod and conversation method, the author makes a research on prosocial behavior

 and problem behavior of Doudou who is in the top class in the kindergarten。 The research shows Doudou has many advantages, such as enjoying helpingthe teacher, having the courageto admit mistakes, holding strong proper pride and concerning about the younger。 But many 

probem behaviors are found that Doudou is not willing to contact with companions and has lack confidence in himsef, he alsohas aggressive behavior and bad self-ontrol ability。 Aimed at these problems, corresponding countermeasures are put forward to help Doudou solving hese problem behaviors, which is conducive to children's social development and facilitates the kindergarten to develop better social education。

Key words: Children; Children's social behavior; Problem behavior; Social education

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、概述 2

(一)幼儿社会行为的概念 2

(二)大班幼儿社会领域的目标 3

二、研究设计 4

(一)研究对象 4

(二)研究方法 4

三、个案基本情况 5

(一)个人情况 5

(二)家庭情况 5

四、个案社会行为的现状 6

(一)个案亲社会行为 6

(二)个案问题行为 8

五、针对个案问题行为的对策 13

(一)让幼儿感受同伴交往的乐趣,掌握正确的交往方法 13

(二)让幼儿正确的认识自己,培养幼儿的自信心 14

(三)培养幼儿尊重他人的意识,消除攻击性行为 14

(四)培养幼儿的自控力,自觉遵守集体秩序 15

附录1 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

大班幼儿社会行为的个案研究 大班幼儿社会行为的个案研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_96127.html
