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时间:2020-11-10 17:20来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:创造性思维  大学生  培养

Abstract:This paper discusses the meaning of creative thinking、the period of experienced and its essential characteristics,by looking at a number of domestic scholars on the research of the current situation of the development of university students' creative thinking,summarizes the several factors affecting the development of college students' creative thinking,including the exam-oriented education,The family education,The traditional culture etc.On the period of the development of creative abilities,Mainly from the personal development of creative thinking ability and on the hand of college education development,l discuss the cultivation of college students' creative thinking strategies,The development of personal creative thinking ability are discussed from the cultivate interest,cultivate independence and abnormal thinking,developing the logical thinking and strengthen the knowledge accumulation.University education development is reached by outstandinging students’subjectivity,developing creative quality teachers' team and intensifying reform exam-oriented education examination.

Keywords:Creative thinking    College students    Developing

1 创造性思维的相关界定

1.1 创造性思维的概念

1.2 创造性思维的特点及经历阶段 4

2 大学生创造性思维发展现状

3 影响大学生创造性思维的因素分析 5

3.1 应试教育 5

3.2 家庭教育环境 5

3.3 传统文化的侧面影响 5

3.4 其他的多因素影响 5

4 大学生创造性思维的培养方式 6

4.1 高等教育培养方式 7

4.2 大学生个人训练的具体方式7-8



原中科院院长周光召曾指出:“缺乏创新是我国科技界当前的关键弱点”其实不仅在科技界,从我国各种行业的普遍发展态势来看,与世界前列国家相比,创新意识均有不足,为什么当前我国会普遍缺乏创新?寻其根溯其源,因素虽然众多,但主要的原因还是学校忽视了对学生创造性思维的培养。2005年中国航天之父”钱学森在病榻上向时任总理温家宝坦诚相告:现在中国没有完全发展起来,一个重要的问题是没有一所大学能够依照培养科技发明创造人才的模式去办学,没有自己独有的有创造性的东西,老是冒不出杰出人才”。诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁教授于2012年从东西方文化传统不同比较了中美教学方法后指出:“中国传统教学方法重演绎、按部就班,严谨认真,但缺乏创新意识”。可见深受中美教育文化影响的中国领军人物都看出,在教育模式上,以及人才培养策略方面,中国的行政教育方式缺乏创造力,灌输式教学方法缺乏创新意识。 论大学生创造性思维及培养策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_64524.html
