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时间:2022-04-02 22:31来源:毕业论文



Condition Research on Handyicraft Making 

—take a kindergarten on a certain town in ZhouKou city as an example

Abstract: Carrying out handicraft making activities is essential part of modern quality education for kids,which improves innovation, exploring,hands-on skills。In this paper,we focus  on the carrying out condition about the handicraft making activities。and literature method, observation related research and interview method are used to study。 Many problems  show up,for instance activity target is not clear or in a tedious form or with monotonous content or operability is not well enough。 Based on these problems,we shall put forward comprehensive and clear devoloping goals fit for childhood development, add more workable content, design a variety of forms to organize and to develop a comprehensive evaluation standards with series of suggestions。Only in this way can we encourage parents and teachers to effectively carry out handmade activities improve the development of children's creative and proactive thinking, and promote physical and mental development of young children。

Keywords:Kindergarten;Handmade Stuff Activities; Devoloping Condition

 目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、手工制作活动的概念界定与课题研究的价值与意义 2

(一)手工制作活动的概念界定 2

(二)课题研究的价值与意义 2

二、关于周口市某乡镇幼儿园手工制作活动的开展状况 3

(一)手工制作活动的目标 3

(二)手工制作活动的内容 3

(三)手工制作活动的形式 4

(四)手工制作活动的评价  5

三、在幼儿园手工制作活动开展中所出现的一些不足之处 5

(一)活动目标不明确 5

(二)活动内容操作性差 5

(三)活动形式较为单一 6

(四)活动评价不全面 6

四、针对幼儿园开展手工制作活动的一些问题提出的意见与建议 6

(一)确立符合幼儿发展的活动目标 6

(二)增添难易适当的活动内容 6

(三)开展多样化的活动形式 6

    (四)完善有效的活动评价 7

参考文献 8

附录I 乡镇幼儿园手工制作活动开展状况研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_91858.html
