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时间:2021-12-02 20:28来源:毕业论文



Zi Cai Bridge Design

Abstract: The purpose of this course is the design of the sub-bridge, the purpose of this design is to hope that students through graduation design, master the design of bridge design steps, familiar with the current norms, the main content of the design is based on topographic selection of several suitable bridge , And then use the civil engineering calculation software Doctor bridge as a bridge calculation tool, according to the selected program in the software to establish a bridge model, the layout of the load, the definition of the bridge, the layout of the bridge, In the construction stage, the bending moment of the bridge is obtained, and then the number of prestressed steel bars is estimated according to the calculated bending moment。 Prestressed steel bars are arranged and then the compressive and shear capacity of the bridge section is checked。 If the verification is not qualified, you need to continue to modify; if the inspection is qualified, this bridge design is completed。

Keyword:  Plan comparison; prestressed steel; Doctor bridge


1 绪论 1

1。1 桥梁概述 1

1。2 设计资料及主要设计规范 1

1。2。1 设计资料 1

1。2。2 材料规格 1

1。2。3 主要设计规范 1

2 桥梁方案比选 1

2。1 方案一、预应力混凝土连续梁桥 2

2。2 方案二、预应力混凝土连续刚构桥 3

2。3 方案三、斜拉桥 4

2。4 方案比较与选择 5

3 推荐方案设计参数 5

3。1 方案简述 5

3。2 梁截面细部尺寸拟定 6

3。2。1 纵断面 6

3。2。2 梁截面尺寸 6

3。3 桥梁节段划分 9

3。3。1 主梁分段原则 9

3。3。2 主梁的分段 9

3。3。3 桥梁施工阶段划分 10

4  主梁内力计算 11

4。1 恒载内力计算 12

4。2 活载内力计算 12

4。2。1 冲击系数计算 12

5 配筋计算 23

5。1 预应力钢束的估算 23

5。1。1按正常使用极限状态的正截面抗裂验算要求 预应力混凝土连续梁桥子材桥设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_85798.html
