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时间:2018-03-02 16:22来源:毕业论文

关键词  全空气系统  风机盘管  新风系统  防排烟
Title   HVAC Design of a complex building in Hangzhou               
This study is a air-conditioning system design for a multifutional building(mall & hotel). This building has one underground story(height 3.6m) and 15 stories above the ground(the height of 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor is 5.4m and the height of standard floor is 3.6m ).
In order to design a comfortable, healthy and energy-saving system and based on the features of mall&hotel building, this design has choosen the most reasonable systems. The mall has use the all-air condition systems with diffuser to supply the air and hang ceiling to carry it back. The hotel has use the fan coil with independent outdoor air system. Due to the high humid load of the large dining room, this design has choosen the all-air condition system.
Every Air Handling Unit Room is regarded as a single independent fireproof zone, there is fireproof curtains around all side of the elevation. The area of the windows that can be opened in every room in hotel and mall satisfies the nature smoke-ventilation demand, so here nature smoke-ventilation is implemented. The smoke prevention system is to use pressurized air supply system in smoke-proof staircase and joint-used atria.
Keywords  all-air condition system,  fan coil,  outdoor air system,
smoke control system     
 目   次
1  总论1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 设计依据  1
2 空调负荷计算 3
2.1 空调室内外计算参数  3
2.2空调新风量的确定 4
2.4 湿负荷计算 8
2.5 空调热负荷计算   9
2.6 空调负荷计算汇总与分析 12
3 空调方式设计  20
3.1 建筑的功能特点及典型空调方式  20
3.2 空调方式确定与系统划分 22
3.3 典型区域的空调方式设计 23
4 空调风系统设计 23
4.1 送风量的确定 23
4.2 空调风系统的构成  26
4.3 风系统设计计算 26
4.4 风道设计 26
4.5 风口与气流组织设计 29
5 空调水系统  32
5.1 空调水系统的构成 32
5.2 空调水系统分区 32
5.3 空调冷冻水系统设计 32
5.4 空调冷却水系统设计 35
5.5 空调处理设备的凝结水排放系统设计 37
5.6 水泵与附件 38
5.7 空调水系统的定压与补水 40
6 空气处理设备设计与选型 41
6.1 空调机组及选型 41
6.2 表冷器的选择与校核计算 43
6.3 空气加热器的选择与校核计算 44
7 空调系统冷热源设计 45
7.1 冷热源系统设计的一般要求 45
7.2 空调冷热源分类 45
7.3 常用空调冷热源特点 45
7.4 空调冷热源方案确定 46
7.5 空调冷热源机房设计 47
8 防火及防排烟系统设计 49
8.1 自然排烟系统设计 49
8.1 机械排烟系统设计 50
8.3 机械防烟系统设计 52 杭州市某综合楼暖通空调设计+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_10182.html