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时间:2022-10-16 22:40来源:毕业论文

摘要随之我国推行工程量清单计价,逐渐形成了一个开放、公平竞争的建筑市场,表明 清单模式更匹配市场经济下的工程造价。工程量清单计价模式的全面推行和实施,体现 出了全过程的、动态的造价管理思想。由于“企业自主报价、市场竞争定价”的竞争体 制形成,为了遏制恶性违法投标和哄抬标价,我国多个省、市根据在实践中出现的新情 况,针对新的招标方式,相继出台了控制最高限价的规定,也就是招标控制价。84594

本文主要分为三个部分,第一个部分是招标工程量清单,包含了清单编制说明和清 单项目工程量表;第二部分是招标控制价,包含了招标编制说明和投标报价表等;第三 部分是小论文,论文主要介绍了招标控制价编制,和自己编制招标控制价时候遇到的一 些问题和解决办法,以及在编制招标控制价后的心得体会。


Abstract With implementation of engineering quantity list valuation, China has gradually formed an open, fair competition in the construction market, it indicate that list mode are more matching project cost under the market economy。With full implementation of BOQ valuation model, it reflects the whole process and the dynamic cost management thought。 Due to the formation of the competition system of the enterprise independent quotation and the competition of the market pricing, in order to curb vicious illegal bidding and bid up the price, many of our provinces and cities have issued the control of the maximum limit for new tender according to the new situation in practice, that is also called the tender control price。

This paper is mainly pided into three parts,the first part is the bill of quantities of the bidding project, including the preparation of a list of instructions and checklists project scale; the second part is the tender control price, containing a compilation of tender and  bid quotation sheet; the third part is a small paper, it mainly introduces the preparation of tender price control, and own preparation of tender control price when encountered some problems and solutions,as well as experiences in the preparation of tender control price 。

Key words: tender control price; list valuation; quota valuation

目 录

第二部分 工程量清单

1。编制说明 1

2。分部分项工程和单价措施项目清单与计价表 2

3。总价措施项目清单与计价表 8

4。其他项目清单与计价表 10

5。规费、税金项目清单与计价表 11

第二部分 招标控制价

1。编制说明 12

2。单位工程投标报价汇总表 13

3。分部分项工程和单价措施项目清单与计价表 14

4。综合单价分析表 20

5。总价措施项目清单与计价表 82

6。其他项目清单与计价表 84

7。规费、税金项目清单与计价表 85

第三部分 小论文

1。招标控制价的背景和意义 88

1。1 背景 88

1。2 招标控制价的意义 88

2。清单计价与定额计价 90

2。1 清单计价和定额计价定义 90 长江办公楼工程量清单及招标控制价编制:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_100528.html
