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时间:2023-10-03 21:15来源:毕业论文

摘    要 随着经济的发展和人们物质生活水平的不断提高,夫妻在婚姻领域内的不动产物权变动越来越频繁,我国的婚姻法和物权法是调整婚姻领域内夫妻财产制和不动产物权变动的主要法律,因为两者在调整相同问题的某些规定的不一致,相对应的在此过程中产生了许多适法冲突。所以,本文分为三部分,首先从案例导入,后分析不动产物权变动的国内外相关学说理论,第二部分将内容框定在夫妻财产制下的不动产物权变动上,列举浅析生活中产生常见具有代表性的规则适用冲突情况,本文最后通过不动产物权上的两种夫妻财产制与物权变动规则来选择较合理的适法侧重。85302

With the development of economy and the continuous improvement of people's material living standard, the change of real estate property rights in marriages is becoming more and more frequent。 The marriage law and property law of our country are the main laws to adjust the marital property system and real estate property rights in the marital field , Because the two in the adjustment of the same problem of certain provisions of the inconsistency, corresponding to the process in the production of a number of conflict of law。 Therefore, this article is pided into three parts, first of all from the case into the post-analysis of real estate real estate changes in the theory of domestic and foreign related theory, the second part of the content frame set in the husband and wife property under the real estate property changes, Common representative of the rules apply conflict situation, this article finally through the real estate property rights on the two husband and wife property system and the rules of real right to choose a more reasonable focus on the law。

毕业论文关键词:不动产物权变动; 夫妻财产制; 规则冲突; 适法选择

Keyword: Real property changes; Matrimonial property systems; Rule conflict; Appropriate choice 

目      录

引言 5

一、不动产物权变动规则之理论基础 5

(一)不动产物权变动模式之比较 5

1.意思主义——源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 法国立法例 5

2.形式主义——德国立法例 6

3.结合主义——瑞士立法例 6

4.我国立法 6

(二)我国物权法关于不动产物权变动之规则 6

二、我国的夫妻财产制与不动产物权变动规则之冲突 7

(一)夫妻财产制下的不动产物权变动规则 7

(二)约定夫妻财产制规则与不动产物权变动规则之冲突 8

(三)法定夫妻财产制规则与不动产物权变动规则之冲突 9

三、婚内不动产物权变动之法律适用 9

(一)法定夫妻财产制下不动产物权变动规则的法律适用 9

(二)约定夫妻财产制下不动产物权变动规则的法律适用 10

结语 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

引  言

某案例案情如下,一男子陈某立下遗嘱,将其名下所有的房产赠与第三者林某,陈某过世后,林某要求原配李某履行遗嘱,李某拒绝交付房屋,为此,双方打起官司。原来,陈某是第三者林某儿子的电焊师傅,因对其儿子照顾有加,林某对程某心生好感,而陈某的原配李某常年病重在床,两人的儿子又忙于工作,所以两人产生感情后就生活在一起。后陈某突患重病住院,林某也始终对他照顾护理,陈某就在此期间立下公正遗嘱,将其名下的一幢三层楼房,在其过世后归林某所有。但最后法院因遗嘱内容有违社会公序良俗将此案调解结案。 来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766 我国婚内不动产物权变动的法律适用:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_196800.html
