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时间:2022-09-04 15:28来源:毕业论文

摘要 伴随着信息化的产业时代越来越风靡于全世界,传统家居的概念早 已被信息化的更新迭代贴上了新的标签。随之带来的是诸多传统的设备 变得渐渐过时,尤其是以传统的抄表抄字为代表的技术早已开始退出历 史的舞台。取而代之的是现阶段结合物联网思维的无线抄表技术。相比于 传统抄表技术中容易出现错误、费时费力等缺点,现阶段的无线自动抄表 技术可以很好的弥补这一方面的不足。这一技术的推出不但立即得到了 国家能源部门的认可与欢迎,更是一次对于新技术的学习革新的勇敢尝 试。83818

本篇论文从对以 CC2530 系列为代表的 ZigBee 单片机作为下位机, 对硬件数据采集部分进行研制入手,初步了解和讨论关于 ZigBee 技术、 Zstack 协议栈技术以及无线收发,串口通信等知识的运用,以及对相关模 块的设计制作与功能实现。

ZigBee 技术作为新兴无线传感网、物联网的优秀解决方案,在同等 条件下和其他无线收发解决方案进行对比,具有低功耗、低成本、方便快 捷的操作等特点,大大降低了其上手的难度。本文主要从传统抄表的概述 出发,对于项目背景,选型对比以及对于 ZigBee 技术及相应模块进行简 单概述,并对本项目的模块设计及代码实现进行了详细介绍。此外,本文 侧重于对无线收发模块及其使用的说明。纵观整个设计过程,以 ZigBee 技术为代表的物联网技术势必对家居市场乃至整个社会引起一场新的技 术。

毕业论文关键字:ZigBee; CC2530;  无线收发;  协议栈; 自动抄表

Abstract With the development of information industry have been more and more popular around the world, the traditional concept of Home Furnishing has been updated with a new label。 It brings many traditional equipment gradually become obsolete, especially in the traditional meter reading technology has been began to withdraw from the stage of history。 With the change of wireless meter reading technology thinking of things get on the stage。 Comparing to the traditional meter reading technology, the changes could be solve the problem such as wasting time and energy or even make error by mistakes。

This technology not only pushed out immediately recognized and welcomed the national energy sector, but also a time for attempting the new technology with learning and innovation。

This thesis based on CC2530 series as representative of the ZigBee microcontroller as the lower computer and the hardware part of data acquisition for the research and development of, the preliminary investigation and discussion about the ZigBee technology, using zstack protocol stack technology and wireless transceiver, serial communication of knowledge, as well as the related module design and function realization。

As a new wireless sensor network, ZigBee Technology good at networking solutions, in the same conditions and other wireless transceiver solutions were compared, with low power consumption, low cost, easily operation and other characteristics of fast, make it easy to learn。 This paper


started from the overview of traditional meter reading of the project background, selection comparison and for the ZigBee technology and the corresponding modules are briefly summarized, and the module design and code of the project are discussed in detail。 In addition, this paper focuses on the introduction of wireless transceiver module and how to use it。 Throughout all the design process, networking technology represented by ZigBee in the Home Furnishing is bound to the market and even the whole society can be a new technological revolution。

Key words: ZigBee; CC2530; wireless transceiver; protocol stack; automatic meter reading

目 录 

第一章 ZigBee单片机智能煤气表设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_99002.html
