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时间:2019-11-24 11:23来源:毕业论文

摘要 我国公路交通事业迅猛发展,取得了很辉煌的成就,然而很多以前建设的路面已经快要到或者已经是它们的设计寿命了,急需大面积的养护。到现在为止,国际上很多发达国家采取了路面红外加热板对高速公路路面进行养护。在这种加热工艺下,对路面进行红外加热是其最重要的环节。本文针对利用路面红外加热板对路面加热的方法和折叠控制系统进行了研究。这项研究是为了降低材料浪费率,充分利用可再生能源,尽可能的降低环境污染,加速高速公路的发展。41954



毕业论文关键词:  红外线加热  温度控制系统  PLC  折叠控制系统

Abstract  The rapid development of China's road transport undertakings, made a very brilliant achievements, but many former road construction is about to begin or already is their design life, and in urgent need of a large area of conservation. Until now, the international community has taken many developed countries infrared pavement heater board highway pavement maintenance. In this heating process, the road surface infrared heating is the most important part. In this paper, the use of infrared heating panels for road pavement and folding method of heating control system is studied. The study was conducted in order to reduce the rate of waste materials and take advantage of the development of renewable energy, reduce pollution as much as possible, to accelerate the expressway.

In the researches of asphalt pavement recycling technology on the basis of current development, determine the pavement heating method is applicable to high-grade asphalt pavement repair, combined with the actual situation of the country, we selected a manner consistent with domestic heating scenario asphalt pavement repair, hot wall design formula Maintenance vehicles and heating plate. Pavement design infrared heating plate folding control system design. Now a lot of information and research data, a preliminary understanding of the temperature curve of asphalt pavement, summed up the pavement asphalt heating method of heating. And design suitable for asphalt roads infrared heating panel control system.

Finally, the results of this design are summarized and pointed out the direction of development of this deficiency and the design results at follow-up study.

Key  Words:  Infrared heating   Temperature control system   PLC  Folding control system      

摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的提出 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 2

1.3 研究内容与方法 2

2 沥青路面就地热再生研究 4

2.1 沥青再生问题 4

2.2 就地热再生机械 6

3 沥青路面加热技术的研究 13 PLC路面红外加热板折叠控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_42216.html
