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时间:2022-07-04 22:00来源:毕业论文

摘要船舶制造业随着全球信息化的飞速发展也经历了沧海桑田的技术。随着科技 在船舶制造业的广泛运用,市场竞争愈加激励。为了在激烈的市场竞争中尽显优势, 船舶制造行业就必须大幅度缩减造船的周期,快速地组织生产,满足客户的特定需求。 因此,应该运用先进的科技来改造传统技术,改造传统船舶建造生产的流程,形成新 的现代造船技术,从而提高生产效率,获得最大的经济利益。81934

在船舶生产设计中,设计部门与生产部门之间的信息交流尤为重要。联系单就是 他们之间信息交流的纽带。以前,大部分船舶企业都是人工编写联系单,不光要消耗 大量的体力劳动还容易出错,工作效率低下。随着科技的发展,我们运用计算机技术, 在 Visual Studio2010 的开发环境下,运用 C#语言进行程序的编译,开发了船体联系 单自动生成程序。该程序的开发可以减少手工录入的工作量,减少人工编写的出错率; 方便设计部门和生产部门之间的信息交流;尽可能减小因各种修改带来的遗漏;提高 了工作效率;提高了生产质量。

毕业论文关键词: 船体联系单;TRIBON 数据提取;船舶生产设计

Abstract In the case of global information, ship manufacturing industry has undergone earth-shaking changes。 As technology is widely used in ship manufacturing industry, the market competition increasingly incentive。 To show advantages in the fierce market competition, ship manufacturing industry must be drastically reduce the shipbuilding cycle, organize production quickly and meet the specific needs of customers。 Therefore, should use the advanced technology to transform traditional technology, transform traditional shipbuilding production process, to form a new modern shipbuilding technology, so as to improve the production efficiency, obtain the biggest economic benefits。

In the design of ship's production, between design department and production department is especially important for the exchange of information。 Contact list is the information exchange between them。 Ago, there are artificial writing contact list in the most of the shipping companies, not only consumes a lot of manual labor also error-prone, work efficiency is low。 With the development of science and technology, we use computer technology, in the development of Visual Studio2010 environment, wrote the program using c # language, developed hull contact list automatically generated program。 The development of the program can reduce the workload of manual entry, reduce the error rate of artificial writing; convenient exchange of information between design department and production department; minimize missing due to various changes; to improve the working efficiency; improve the production quality。

Keywords: contact single hull; TRIBON data extraction; ship's production design


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 论文研究背景及意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 3

1。2。1 世界造船技术的信息化起步 3

1。2。2 国外造船技术的信息化发展 4

1。2。3 我国造船技术的信息化发展 6

1。2。4 国内船体联系单的管理和现状 8

1。3 研究内容 8

第二章 船舶生产设计 9

2。1 船舶设计流程 9

2。2 船舶生产设计 9

2。2。1 船舶生产设计流程 TRIBON船体技术联系单自动生成程序开发:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_95970.html
