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时间:2022-05-22 20:31来源:毕业论文
通过PLC作为基础,配合检测工具与传感器,加上继电装置,接触器等装置的帮助用来进行挤出机温度、线直径、转速和电机逻辑控制; 最后用触控屏进行人机交互,对于速度和产品的质量




整个设计分为四个部分:挤出机温度控制,压力控制,线径控制和转速控制。 国外化学和化工企业CH402温度控制表执行主机温度查验,加热器与冷却电机的启动和停止,实现温度控制; 在螺杆挤出过程中的压力检测进行挤出机压力的控制; 欧勒测控公司DDM-3020直径测量仪器与编码器和牵引主轴检测和控制线径; 控制转速,通过PLC控制部分和牵引电机部分挤压。

本设备通过PLC作为基础,配合检测工具与传感器,加上继电装置,接触器等装置的帮助用来进行挤出机温度、线直径、转速和电机逻辑控制; 最后用触控屏进行人机交互,对于速度和产品的质量进行监控。

毕业论文关键词: 挤出机;3D打印;塑料;PLC 

Design of Control System for Material Extruder of 3D Printer

ABSTRACT:The development of plastic, a large number of manufacturing all kinds of plastic products, plastic processing equipment is to promote the development of an important reason for the continuous improvement of plastic processing equipment has become an important part of the machinery industry, occupies a large proportion of economic development, as a very critical role The Processing of finished products of plastic products in the plastics industry is very common in the processing of plastic products in the molding process is one of the important methods。

3D printing technology in life is not a little-known technology, this material forming technology more and more familiar, this material molding technology is a cross-century development and achievements。 The development and waste of consumables also contributed to the development of consumables extruders。 Plastic is the main product of 3D printing technology, for the processing of 3D printer supplies has become an urgent problem to be solved, so for the study of 3D printer supplies extruder is of great significance

Extrusion processing equipment, plastic supplies extruder after nearly 100 years of continuous improvement and improvement, has been developed from the original single-screw extruder, but also developed the twin-screw, multi-screw, and even no screws, etc。 The Plastic supplies extrusion function with a variety of plastic molding of other machines, the formation of a variety of plastic processing and manufacturing lines, the production of plastic supplies to the production。 With the use of plastic in the reality of a wide range of various uses and the quality of plastic products on the strict。 Therefore, the plastic extruder in the plastic production process has a significant significance。 3D打印机材料挤出机控制系统设计+PLC梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_94123.html
