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时间:2022-01-09 09:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要本课题需要对秸秆煤成型机在成型过程中进行温度测量与控制系统的设计。秸秆煤成型机属于新型产业,对于现当代能源紧缺的缓解有很大的帮助,而且符合国家宣扬可持续发展的号召,不管是对于个人还是社会都有重大意义。温度的测量与控制一直是工业设计与制造上的一个重要部分,一个优秀的温控系统将会使工业生产避免很多的错误,提高生产的效率和质量。在论文设计中采用AT89C51单片机为核心,PT100温度传感器为测温装置对温度进行检测,采用串行数码管TLC2543模数转换器对采集到的温度信号进行转换,显示方式采用LCD1602显示屏进行温度的显示,并设置相应控制电路对温度实施升降温控制。此设计解决了秸秆煤成型过程中所需要温度的控制,使秸秆煤成型能够更加方便和提高了秸秆煤生产的质量。76846

毕业论文关键词:秸秆煤成型机  温度测控系统  单片机AT89C51  PT100温度传感器  A/D转换器  LCD1602液晶显示器

Design of temperature measurement and control system of straw coal forming machine

Abstract In this paper, the design of the temperature measurement and control system of straw coal forming machine in the molding process is needed。 Straw coal molding machine belongs to a new industry, for contemporary energy shortage eased a great help, but also conforms to the countries to promote sustainable development of call, whether it is for inpiduals or society has great significance。 Temperature measurement and control has been an important part of industrial design and manufacturing, an excellent temperature control system will make industrial production to avoid a lot of mistakes, improve the efficiency and quality of production。 In the paper, the design using AT89C51 microcontroller as the core, PT100 temperature sensor for temperature measuring device to detect the temperature by serial digital tube TLC2543 analog to digital converter is used to convert the collected temperature signal, the display with LCD1602 display temperature display, and set the corresponding control circuit of the temperature fluctuation of temperature control。 The design solves the control of the temperature in the process of straw coal forming, so that the straw briquette can be more convenient and improves the quality of the straw coal production。

Key Words: Straw coal forming machine  temperature measurement and control system  single chip microcomputer PT100  A/D temperature sensor AT89C51 converter  LCD1602 liquid crystal display

目  录






1 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究背景 1

1。2课题研究方案 2

2 硬件选型 3

2。1单片机的选型 3

2。2 A/D转换器的选型 4

2。4 温度控制元器件的选择 5

3 硬件的设计开发 6

3。1 温度信号的获取 6

3。2温度信号的放大 6

3。3模数转换器 6

3。4 LCD显示电路的设计 9

3。5 单片机时钟电路的设计 11

3。6复位电路设计 12

4 抗干扰技术 15

4。1传感器和LM741的抗干扰 AT89C51单片机秸秆煤成型机温度测控系统设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_88213.html
