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时间:2019-06-16 21:12来源:毕业论文
运用西门子S7-200PLC 对系统控制进行编程设计,通过EB8000软件对触摸屏编程设计,使用AutoCAD对系统的主电路和控制电路进行作图设计,从各个方面对车库进行了研究,以到达车库的运行的

本文在对国内外的立体车库发展趋势有了充分认识的前提下,结合大学四年学习的专业知识,以垂直升降类立体车库为研究模型,对车库的机械机构,硬件电路,驱动系统软件控制,人机交互等方面进行研究设计,运用西门子S7-200PLC 对系统控制进行编程设计,通过EB8000软件对触摸屏编程设计,使用AutoCAD对系统的主电路和控制电路进行作图设计,从各个方面对车库进行了研究,以到达车库的运行的平稳性和高效性。
毕业论文关键词: 立体车库,垂直升降式,PLC,EB8000
The PLC-based Control System For Stereo Garage
Abstract:Mechanical stereo garage is gradually replacing the traditional parking garage because of the high land utilization and high degree of automation, it make vehicle access convenient and would be the main way to solve the problem of static traffic in the city, so it is significative to research the Mechanical Parking System, In this study, we make the vertical stereo garage as research object and design it from all side.
On the basis of study on current situation and developing trend of garage in domestic and abroad, combined with the knowledge which I have get in the college for four years, we design the garage system from the following aspect: Mechanical structure, Hardware circuit, Drive system, Control system, HMI. We design control program by using Siemens S7-200 PLC, using EB8000 to complete the touch screen design and drawing the circuit diagram with AutoCAD, In order to make the system more stable and efficient, we discuss garage system from several aspects.
Keywords: Stereo Garage, Vertical Lift, PLC, EB8000
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题背景及研究意义    1
1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    3
1.2.1    国外发展现状    3
1.2.2    国内发展现状    3
1.3    立体车库分类    4
1.4    本文主要研究内容    5
2    立体车库结构介绍    6
2.1    运载小车    7
2.2    轿厢    8
2.3    井道结构    9
2.4    升降驱动结构    9
2.5    出入库平台    10
2.6    车库门    11
3    立体车库电气设计    11
3.1    主电路设计    11
3.1.1    运载小车    12
3.1.2    出入库平台    12
3.1.3    出库门驱动    13
3.1.4    轿厢升降系统    13
3.1.5    抱闸结构    14
3.1.6    步进电机驱动器    14
3.1.7    步进电机驱动器端子简介    14
3.1.8    步进电机驱动器细分设置    15
3.1.9    步进电机驱动器接线图    16
3.1.10    变频器的型号    17
3.1.11    变频器端子介绍    17 PLC立体车库控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_34879.html