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时间:2021-05-27 19:53来源:毕业论文




Title   The Design for the Multifunctional Digital Odometer                     


With the development of electronic and sensor technologies, the digital odometer has been applied extensively to many fields in our daily life. This essay introduces the design theory of an odometer whose core is based on a singlechip. It has various functions. Not only does it record mileage, but also achieve the output control of spatial isometry as the sync source of the systems for the road detection and the road landscape collection. The odometer uses optical-electricity encoder as the sensing device and logical circuit to complete the frequency demultiplication of the pulse signal. The optoelectronic isolation device makes the system own strong capacity of resisting disturbance. The system can modify the system parameter through the keyboard to store the chip so that it can record the original parameter after the interruption of power. It is also visualized and operational. The system is able to finish the job of counting and frequency demultiplication with good stability through testing. 

Key words: Odometer, Singlechip, Synchronous pulse output, Integrated Circuits


                             目   录

1  引言 1

1.1  引言 1

1.2  设计要求与指标 2

2  系统工作原理与开发流程 3

2.1  里程计的基本原理 3

2.2  传感器的选择与工作原理 3

2.3  模块器件的选择 5

2.4  开发设计流程 6

3  系统设计 7

3.1  单片机部分 7

3.2  信号预处理电路 7

3.3  片选电路 8

 3.4  计数分频电路 9

3.5  数据储存电路 14

3.6  键盘接口及显示驱动电路 14

3.7  抗干扰结构的设计及驱动放大 15

4  系统的调试与检测 17

4.1  系统调试 17

4.2  系统检测 17

结论  21

致谢  22

参考文献  23

附录  24

1 引言

1.1 引言


本设计的数字里程计主要是运用于车载检测设备,它能通过对与汽车车轮相连的码盘输出脉冲的计数,得出行驶里程,还能辅助其他设备完成路面平整度检测和道路景观信息采集等工作。检测路面平整度的标准指标一般为国际平整度指数(IRI),对于它的测量可以通过对码盘输出信号的计算处理得到。由于码盘的输出信号与汽车行驶距离的对应关系,又因为检测车对路面检测时需要平整度、车辙、裂缝、景观、罗盘协同工作,因此使用码盘的输出信号作为一个基准点,对这里的各个系统进行共同触发。里程记录以及分频信号的输出,可以完成对图像采集系统的触发,与计算机借口的融合可以使采集到的图像信息在计算机中进行进一步的处理。 AT89C52单片机多功能数字里程计设计+PCB电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_75659.html
