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时间:2021-09-25 10:18来源:毕业论文

摘要随着能源的日益紧缺及风力发电的不断发展,风电并网容量日益增长。在并 网运行过程中,风电系统要从电网中吸取大量无功,直接影响其接入电网的电能 质量。静止同步发生器(STATCOM)是基于全控型器件的新型无功补偿装置, 凭借先进的控制性能和良好的补偿效果,已逐渐成为无功补偿的一个主要发展方 向。72239

本文主要围绕在对简单风电系统进行无功补偿的级联 STATCOM 控制方法 展开研究。通过对级联 STATCOM 的结构及原理进行简单说明,介绍了适用于其 结构的单极倍频载波移相调制技术(CPS-SPWM)。通过建立装置的数学模型, 讨论其交、直流侧的控制方法。对交流侧通过比较和分析,并结合数学模型选择 采用双闭环解耦的电流间接控制方法,确保了有功与无功的整体分离控制。对直 流侧电容的电压进行了分层控制,保证了各级联单元直流支撑能力的稳定。最后 将控制方法运用 Matlab Simulink 工具进行仿真,并针对简单风电场进行无功需 求分析,基于 DSP TMS320F2812 对装置的软硬件进行了初步设计。

毕业论文关键词:风力发电 无功补偿 级联 STATCOM 电流间接 双闭环解耦

The research of cascade STATCOM control method in wind farm interconnecting with power grid

Abstract With the increasing shortage of energy and the continuous development of wind power, wind power grid connection capacity is growing。 In the process of grid connection operation, the wind power system will absorb a large amount of reactive power from the power grid, which will directly affect the power quality of the wind power system。 The static synchronous generator (STATCOM) is based on  the new type of reactive power compensation devices, with its advanced control performance and good compensation effect, it has become a major development direction of reactive compensation technology。

This paper mainly focuses on the research of cascade STATCOM control method for reactive power compensation of a simple wind power system。 Through the brief description of the structure and principles of STATCOM, this paper introduces the suitable modulation technology-Single pole double frequency carrier phase shift (CPS-SPWM) for the structure of cascade STATCOM compensator。 Through the establishment of STATCOM mathematical model, discussing the cascade STATCOM control methods in DC side, AC side。 For AC side, combining with the mathematical models to select the double closed loop decoupled current indirect control method to achieve active current and reactive current completely separated by comparison and analysis。The hierarchical method is used to control the DC side capacitor DC voltage , to ensure the stability of each unit DC supporting capacity。 Finally, the control method is simulated by Matlab Simulink tool, and the reactive power demands of simple wind farm is analyzed, and the software and hardware of the device are designed based on TMS320F2812 DSP。

Key Words: wind power reactive compensation cascade STATCOM current indirect double closed loop decoupling

摘要 Ⅰ


目录 Ⅲ

1 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1。2 风电场无功补偿研究现状 1

1。3 级联 STATCOM  国内外研究现状 3

1。4 本论文的主要工作 风电并网中级联STATCOM的控制方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_82164.html
