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时间:2020-12-30 21:25来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  交通灯  模糊控制  单片机  C语言 


Title   Design of crossing traffic control system based on microcontroller       

Abstract In recent years, people work on the crossroads intelligent traffic control systems ,which can automatically adjust the traffic lights’ time according to the traffic flow, in order to minimize the average delay time of vehicles, and improve intersection capacity. This paper introduces the fuzzy logic algorithms, and designs a real-time intelligent traffic signal control system. Firstly, according to the situation of crossroads, the fuzzy control system process is designed. The control system records the number of vehicles in the direction waiting for the green lights and that in the relative direction, and use the ratio of the two numbers as input to get out the delay time of the green light. The system uses vehicle counting sensors to get the traffic flow of each road. Then in accordance with the corresponding fuzzy control rules the green time was adjusted automatically. 

This paper presents the system's hardware and software design. The controlling system use AT89C51 microcontroller as the core, and use C language to develop the functions, such as setting the green time manually, displaying the countdowm time, allowing the emergency vehicle to force through, discriminating and handling of abnormal conditions etc. In this way, the system can ease the traffic simply, economically and effectively, and improve the capacity of traffic crossing.

Keywords  Traffic lights  Fuzzy control  Microcontroller  C language

1  绪论 1

1.1  问题的来源和背景 1

1.2  道口智能交通信号控制系统的研究意义 2

1.3  国内外交通信号灯控制系统的研究现状 2

1.4  模糊控制理论在城市交通控制系统中的研究 5

1.5  本课题研究内容 6

2  道口交通信号控制系统方案设计 7

2.1  道口交通信号及控制方式 7

2.2.1  城市交通控制系统概述 7

2.2  道口交通信号及控制方式 8

2.2.1  交通规则概述 8

2.2.2  交通信号控制的基本参数 9

2.2.3  交通信号控制系统的分类 11

2.2.4  道口交通信号相位控制 12

2.2.5  道口交通信号系统总体方案设计 AT89C51单片机道口交通控制系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_67356.html
