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时间:2020-12-23 19:59来源:毕业论文

摘  要:21世纪以来,人类面临着实现经济社会可持续发展等诸多挑战,环境和能源问题已日益严峻。如何有效地利用现有能源,已引起了各国学者的广泛关注。新型的电能存储和传输技术,如飞轮电池、超级电容等是实现能源高效利用的重要途径。本文结合了现代电力电子能量转换技术、电磁感应原理与磁场耦合技术,借助现代控制理论与单片机控制技术,实现了完全气密性、防水性的短距离无线电能传输。当初级线圈通上交流电后,发射线圈与接收线圈之间便会产生磁场,然后变化的磁场在接收线圈两端产生电动势,当接收线圈连有负载时,负载便可以工作,从而实现电能的无线传输。目前本文已制作出无线供电模块,并且利用C8051F005单片机实现对电路基本参数的实时显示,可以对手机及LED的短距离无线供电。测试分析表明,本装置可以在15mm范围内实现最大6W左右的无线电能传输,电能传输效率最高可达70%,能很好的实现短距离无线电能传输。61274


Abstract:The 21st century, mankind is facing many challenges to achieve sustainable economic and social development.The problems of environment and energy issues have increasingly become worse and worse to the world.How to use the existing energy sources effectively has attracted wide attention of scholars from various countries.The new energy storage and transmission technologies such as flywheel batteries,super capacitors and wireless power transmission technologies (WPT) are important ways to achieve efficient use of energy.The  short distance wireless power supply device is designed based on the modern power electronic energy conversion technology, electromagnetic induction and magnetic coupling technology, with modern control theory and MCU control technology.When the primary coil is connected to an AC power source, due to the principle of electromagnetic induction, there will generate a changing magnetic field between the transmitting coil and the receiving coil.Then the changing magnetic field generates electromotive force at the receiving coil.When the receiving coil attached to the load, the load began to work. At present, the issue has produced a wireless power supply device, and the C8051F005 MCU can display electrical parameters for real-time .The test shows that the device could transfer 5W power in 5mm.The efficiency of this device could get to almost 60 percentages.

Keywords: electromagnetic induction, magnetic coupling ,wireless power supply ,MCU

目   录

1 绪论 6

1.1 无线供电原理简介 6

1.2 无线供电技术的国内外发展现状 7

1.3 本文主要研究内容 7

2 系统方案分析与选择 8

2.1 磁耦合谐振原理原理与分析 8

2.2 逆变电路分析与设计 11

2.3 双管推挽振荡电路 11

2.4 高频功率放大电路 13

2.5 发射电能电路 13

2.6 整流输出电路 14

3 控制部分硬件电路设计 14

3.1 桥式整流电路 15

3.2 单片机主控电路 15

3.3 显示电路 16

4 测试与结果分析 17

4.1 测试方案 C8051F005单片机短距离无线供电装置设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_66928.html
